Tim Barlow
Tim Barlow
Managing Director, Sustainable Investing
CPP Investments
Tony Brown
Tony Brown
Head of Global Real Estate
M&G Real Estate
Manfredi Catella
Manfredi Catella
Founder & CEO
Edoardo Cetraro
Edoardo Cetraro
Investment Manager
NEST Corporation
Nathalie Charles
Nathalie Charles
Deputy CEO and Global Head of Investment Management
Peter Ciganik
Peter Ciganik
Partner, Head of Capital Markets
GTIS Partners
Paul Clark
Paul Clark
Head of European Property
Australian Super
Christian Daumann
Christian Daumann
Vice President, Head of Investments Germany
Ivanhoé Cambridge
Lisette van Doorn
Lisette van Doorn
CEO Europe
Urban Land Institute
John O'Driscoll
John O'Driscoll
Global Co-Head of Real Estate
Robert-Jan Foortse
Robert-Jan Foortse
Head of European Property Investments
Andrew Garrett
Andrew Garrett
Senior Principal, Real Estate
Randy Giraldo
Randy Giraldo
Head of Europe
Nuveen Real Estate
Alexia Giugni
Alexia Giugni
Head of Client Coverage EMEA
Victoria Hall
Victoria Hall
Head of Funds, Infrastructure
Liam Kennedy
Liam Kennedy
Editorial Director
Matthijs Kok
Matthijs Kok
Professor of Flood Risk
Delft University of Technology
Nils Kok
Nils Kok
Professor in Finance and Real Estate
Maastricht University
Alex Knapp
Alex Knapp
Chief Investment Officer Europe
Rainer Komenda
Rainer Komenda
Head of Real Estate Investment Management
Bayerische Versorgungskammer
Jay Kwan
Jay Kwan
Managing Director, Head of Europe
QuadReal Property Group
Oliver Light
Oliver Light
Director of Real Estate
Carbon Intelligence
Richard Lowe
Richard Lowe
IPE Real Assets
Joanne McNamara
Joanne McNamara
Executive Vice President - Europe and Asia Pacific
Oxford Properties
Mahdi Mokrane
Mahdi Mokrane
Head of Global Investment Strategy, Research and Investment Solutions
Brian Niles
Brian Niles
Co-Chief Executive Officer of MSREI, Co-Head of NHREF & Head of MSREI Europe
Morgan Stanley
Helena Olin
Helena Olin
Head of Real Assets
ARCA Fondi
Sophie van Oosterom
Sophie van Oosterom
Global Head of Real Estate
Schroders Capital
Andrea Orlandi
Andrea Orlandi
Managing Director and Head of Real Estate Investments
CPP Investment Board
Ali Otmar
Ali Otmar
Senior Partner and Head of Investments
Tristan Capital
Richard Powers
Richard Powers
Managing Partner & COO
Brookfield Real Estate
Mark Siezen
Mark Siezen
Chief Executive Officer
Bouwinvest Real Estate Investors
Giancarlo Tancredi
Giancarlo Tancredi
Deputy Mayor for Urban Regeneration
Comune di Milano
Olivier Terrenoire
Olivier Terrenoire
Global Head of Asset & Property Management and Sustainable Investing
Generali Real Estate
François Trausch
François Trausch
Pimco Prime Real Estate
Gaia Vince
Gaia Vince
Science Journalist and Author
Nomad Century: How Climate Migration Will Reshape Our World
Cornel Widmer
Cornel Widmer
Global Head of Real Estate
Zurich Insurance
Sir Sebastian Wood
Sir Sebastian Wood
Chairman Schroders China, Schroders PLC and former British Ambassador to Germany and China
Michael Zerda
Michael Zerda
Co-chief Investment Officer Europe, Head of Debt and Value-Add Strategies
LaSalle Investment Management
Christopher Sier
Christopher Sier