The IPE Conference comprises in-depth and highly topical debate sessions, featuring inspiring keynotes, practical panels and workshops.  With typically 300 top executives from pension providers in attendance, the event brings together influential decision-makers from across Europe.

The IPE Conference & Awards 2024 speakers will appear here in due course
Yolanda Blanch
Yolanda Blanch
Chair Person
PC30 Pensions Caixa 30
Phillip Brown
Phillip Brown
Distinguished Research Professor
Cardiff University
Kim Catechis
Kim Catechis
Investment Strategist
Franklin Templeton
Laurent Clavel
Laurent Clavel
Global Head of Multi-Asset
AXA Investment Managers
Niklas Ekvall
Niklas Ekvall
Chief Executive Officer
AP4 (Fourth Swedish National Pension Fund)
Olivier Fines
Olivier Fines
Head of Advocacy and Policy Research
CFA Institute
Michael Graham
Michael Graham
Head of US High Yield and Senior US HY Portfolio Manager
AXA Investment Managers
Liam Kennedy
Liam Kennedy
Editorial Director
Rohit Mather
Rohit Mather
Head of International Reinsurance
Vincent Mortier
Vincent Mortier
Group Chief Investment Officer
Niall O'Sullivan
Niall O'Sullivan
Chief Investment Officer, Global Solutions
Amin Rajan
Amin Rajan
Chief Executive Officer
Fredrik Reinfeldt
Fredrik Reinfeldt
Former Prime Minister of Sweden
Anna Rosenberg
Anna Rosenberg
Head of Geopolitics, Amundi Institute
Susanna Rust
Susanna Rust
Deputy News Editor
Sebastian Schiele
Sebastian Schiele
Global Head of Xtrackers Mandates & Solutions Sales at Xtrackers
Xtrackers by DWS
Michal Smetana
Michal Smetana
Associate Professor
Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University
Peace Research Center Prague
Lindsey Stewart
Lindsey Stewart
Director of Stewardship Research and Policy
Morningstar Sustainalytics
Sergei Strigo
Sergei Strigo
Co-Head of Emerging Market Fixed Income
Eimear Walsh
Eimear Walsh
Partner and Head of Investments