European Pension Fund of the Year

Judged by:
Christian Böhm
Ulrikke Ekelund
Heribert Karch
Matti Leppälä
Stefan Lundbergh
Amlan Roy

Fjärde AP-fonden (AP4)

Highly commended:
Bosch Pensionsfonds
Frjálsi Pension Fund

Outstanding Industry Contribution

Editor's choice

Dorrit Vanglo

Pension Fund Leader

Editor's choice

Timo Löyttyniemi

Long-Term Investment Strategy

Judged by:
Roland van den Brink
Dorothee Franzen
Alessandra Franzosi
Martin Pattinson

GM Pensiones

Highly commended:
Fjärde AP-fonden (AP4)
Pensions Caixa 30

Commitment to Diversity

Judged by:
Chandran Fernando
Marisa Anna Hall
Sarah Maynard

AG2R La Mondiale

Highly commended:
London Borough of Sutton Pension Fund

Corporate Pension Fund

Judged by:
Nora Finn
Ravi Khanna
Philip Neyt
Chris Sier

Bosch Pensionsfonds

Highly commended:
GM Pensiones
Pensioenfonds KBC

Multi-Employer Pension Fund

Judged by:
Adrian Cooper
Théodore Economou
Helen Kobæk
Uwe Rieken

Industriens Pension

Highly commended:
Swedbank Pension

Public Pension Fund

Judged by:
Francesco Briganti
Ian Coleman
Najat El Mekkaoui
Jeff Houston

Fjärde AP-fonden (AP4)

Highly commended:
Greater Manchester Pension Fund
Pensioenfonds UZ Gent – Ugent

Small Pension Fund

Judged by:
Richard Campbell
Alfred Kool
Peter Kraneveld
Edwin Meysmans

London Borough of Sutton Pension Fund

Highly commended:
Multi Employer Aon Provident Fund
PrevAer - Fondo Pensione

Active Management

Judged by:
Peter Borgdorff
Stephan Skaanes
Frans Verhaar


Highly commended:
Caja de Ingenieros Empleo, FP

Passive Management

Judged by:
Sylvie Malécot
Joseph Mariathasan
Michel Piermay

KB First Pension Company JSC Skopje

Highly commended:
Smart Future


Judged by:
Alan Briefel
Philip Menco
Sergio Miguez

Industriens Pension

Highly commended:
Amonis OFP


Judged by:
Alan Briefel
Mats Langensjö
Markus Schuller
Stephan Skaanes

BBVA Fondo De Empleo

Highly commended:
HVB Pension Fund

Fixed Income

Judged by:
Jeroen De Soete
Alex Koriath
Stefan Lundbergh
Manuel Peraita

APK Pensionskasse

Highly commended:
INVL Asset Management

Carbon and Net Zero Strategies

Judged by:
Erik Landry
Nick Silver
Nick Spencer


Highly commended:

Credit & Alternatives

Judged by:
Gianmaria Fragassi
Philip Menco
Raj Mody
Martin Pattinson

Pensioenfonds UZ Gent - UGent and PGGM

DC and Hybrid Strategies

Judged by:
Christina Boeck
David Cienfuegos
Nereida González López
Philippos Mannaris

Bosch Pensionsfonds

Highly commended:
Pensioenfonds KBC
Pensions Caixa 30

Emerging Markets

Judged by:
Nereida González López
Manfred Kupka
Petri Kuusisto

BBVA Pensiones V


Judged by:
Nicky Amos
Chandran Fernando
Sophie Grenier van Straelen
Nick Spencer


Highly commended:
AG2R La Mondiale

Impact Investing

Judged by:
Haitse Hoos
Karin Kisling
Petri Kuusisto
Ida Levine

Brunel Pension Partnership

Highly commended:
Fjärde AP-fonden (AP4)

Investment Innovation

Judged by:
Ulrikke Ekelund
Joseph Mariathasan
Raj Mody
Jens-Christian Stougaard


Highly commended:
HVB Pension Fund

Pensions Governance & Administration

Judged by:
Peter Borgdorff
Najat El Mekkaoui
Simon Kew

Pensioenfonds Metaal

Highly commended:
AG2R La Mondiale
Pensions Caixa 30

Portfolio Construction & Diversification

Judged by:
Hermann Aukamp
Frederic Debaere
Bart Heenk
Mats Langensjö

Fjärde AP-fonden (AP4)

Highly commended:
Fonds de Compensation de la Sécurité Sociale
Pensioenfonds KBC

Private Markets

Judged by:
Motoko Aizawa
Georg Inderst
Lawrence Slade

APG Asset Management

Highly commended:
Brunel Pension Partnership
Industriens Pension

Real Estate

Judged by:
Stephan Kloess
Lisa Lafave
Christian Winder
Jeroen Winkelman

APG Asset Management

Highly commended:
Pensioenfonds KBC
Pensioenfonds Rail & Openbaar Vervoer

Risk Management

Judged by:
Frederic Debaere
Karel Goossens
Nereida González López
Neill Hamilton

Pensions Caixa 30

Highly commended:
CYTA Employees Pension Fund


Judged by:
Pedro Barbosa
Dorothee Franzen
Peter Kraneveld
Chris Sier


Highly commended:
Almenni Pension Fund
Frjalsi Pension Fund


Judged by:
Christian Boehm
Uwe Rieken
Waltraud Viehböck
Christian Winder

APK Pensionskasse

Highly commended:


Judged by:
Jeroen De Soete
Karel Goossens
Haitse Hoos
Philip Neyt

Pensioenfonds KBC and Pensions OFP

Highly commended:
Pensioenfonds UZ Gent - UGent

Central & Eastern Europe

Judged by:
Alexandra Kaydzhiyska
Alex Koriath
Jens-Christian Stougaard
Tajana Štriga

Swedbank Pension

Highly commended:
INVL Asset Management


Judged by:
Alexandra Kaydzhiyska
Helen Kobæk
Philip Neyt
Jens-Christian Stougaard

Industriens Pension

Highly commended:


Judged by:
David Cienfuegos
Frederic Debaere
Sylvie Malécot
Michel Piermay

AG2R La Mondiale

Highly commended:


Judged by:
Hermann Aukamp
Alex Koriath
Edwin Meysmans
Uwe Rieken

Bosch Pensionsfonds

Highly commended:
HEAG Pensionszuschusskasse
Zusatzversorgungskasse des Baugewerbes AG (ZVK)


Judged by:
Nora Finn
Neill Hamilton
Helen Kobæk

Accenture Defined Contribution Pension Plan


Judged by:
Francesco Briganti
Gianmaria Fragassi
Alessandra Franzosi
Alfred Kool

Fondo Pensione Nazionale BCC/CRA

Highly commended:
Fondo Pensioni Del Personale Gruppo BNL/BNP Paribas Italia


Judged by:
Bart Heenk
Haitse Hoos
Stefan Lundbergh
Frans Verhaar


Highly commended:
Stichting Bedrijfstakpensioenfonds voor de Detailhandel


Judged by:
Philippe Desfosses
Georg Inderst
Matti Leppälä


Highly commended:
DNB Life


Judged by:
Pedro Barbosa
Xavier Bellavista Badia
Gianmaria Fragassi
Michel Piermay

FP Banco Santander Totta

Highly commended:
Ageas Pensões

Small Countries

Judged by:
Adrian Cooper
Philippos Mannaris
Markus Schuller
Tajana Štriga

Frjalsi Pension Fund

Highly commended:
Fonds de Compensation de la Sécurité Sociale


Judged by:
Xavier Bellavista Badia
Gerald Moritz
Sergio Miguez
Manuel Peraita

GM Pensiones

Highly commended:
Pensions Caixa 30


Judged by:
Mats Langensjö
Matti Leppälä
Sylvie Malécot
Frans Verhaar

Alecta pension insurance, mutual

Highly commended:
Fjärde AP-fonden (AP4)


Judged by:
Christina Boeck
David Cienfuegos
Théodore Economou
Stephan Skaanes

CERN Pension Fund

Highly commended:
Pensionskasse Manor

United Kingdom

Judged by:
Ian Coleman
Jeroen De Soete
Neill Hamilton
Simon Kew

Greater Manchester Pension Fund and Pension Protection Fund

Highly commended:
Merseyside Pension Fund

Click the image below to view IPE Awards 2022 Winners Supplement

The IPE European Pension Fund Awards features over 40 categories that produce a unique set of annual peer-led benchmarks each year based on pension funds from across Europe of all shapes and sizes measuring their performance and assessing their strategy against those of their peers nationally, regionally and by theme and structure.

The roster of judges in 2022 features over 80 specialist investment consultants, academics and ex-pension fund executives who are assigned to panels based on their area of expertise and experience. Click here to view the full roster of judges