Timings are CEST

Wednesday, 11 September

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
IPE Real Assets Investor Forum (for asset owners by invitation only)

The IPE Real Assets Investor Forum creates an informal environment where investors can share investment strategy experiences and best practice with peers. We aim to bring together around 25-30 investors to keep the discussion as productive as possible and the meeting is held under the Chatham House Rule. Please contact Judith Langford at judith.langford@ipe.com to learn more about this Forum.

Please note that this is not a standalone session and you will be required to attend the IPE Infrastructure & Natural Capital Global Conference & Awards to qualify. 

Infrastructure: Performance review

How have infrastructure investments performed as part of institutional portfolios in the past and what lessons can be learnt for the future?

Allocating to Real Assets – One Fund’s Perspective

​​​​A head of alternatives at a Danish pension offers up his views on how his fund allocates to real assets, which types look most attractive now, and perhaps will in the future.

Thursday, 12 September

8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
Registration and Coffee
9:00 AM - 9:05 AM
Opening Remarks
9:10 AM - 9:35 AM

The Marshall Plan set the stage for much of Europe’s post-war recovery, leading to the relative stability the region has enjoyed since. Now, in a new phase, challenges have emerged and Europe is more fragmented than it has been in many years. The outcome of the US election will be critical – what kind of US will we have post the November election, and how will it approach its responsibility toward Europe?

9:35 AM - 9:40 AM

The results of the IPE Real Assets Global Investor Survey

9:40 AM - 10:35 AM

Presentation followed by a panel discussion

Looking back, considering the present and gazing forward

Panel discussion
How attractive is infrastructure to institutional investors amid higher costs and interest rates? What are some of the lessons learnt from the recent past and what is role does the asset class play in portfolios today and how will it look in the future.

10:35 AM - 11:30 AM

Presentation followed by a panel discussion
Higher interest rates and supply-chain issues have made it more costly to develop projects. How does the investment case for institutional investors stack up in 2024?

11:30 AM - 12:00 PM
12:00 PM - 12:25 PM

Investing in energy grids and storage is just as important as building more renewable generation assets. What might the shape and scale of requirements be in the UK as a case study, and what opportunities might they offer for investors? Reflecting on the NeuConnect Interconnector as an example, what business models might we expect from governments in future?

12:25 PM - 1:05 PM

Panel discussion
How much of an impact will emerging technologies relating to hydrogen and small nuclear reactors have on the energy transition? What are the implications for institutional investors? 

1:05 PM - 2:05 PM
2:05 PM - 3:00 PM

Presentation followed by a panel discussion
The  digital infrastructure asset class is developing in front of our eyes, encompassing a growing group of subsectors as digitalisation becomes part of nearly every industry. What is the growth outlook for digital infrastructure and where do the investment risks and opportunities lie? 

3:00 PM - 3:25 PM

Electric vehicle (EV) charging touches many sectors beyond transport including infrastructure, real estate and digital. Consistent access to EV charging is a critical aspect of its evolution, but deploying it in dense, urban areas has proved challenging. The Co-Founder and Chief Business Development Officer of a disruptive EV charging company focused on this issue joins us to discuss its future
Robert Lasowski - Co-Founder and Chief Business Development Officer, HeyCharge in conversation with Avis Devine - Associate Professor, Schulich School of Business, York University

3:25 PM - 3:55 PM
3:55 PM - 4:50 PM

Presentation followed by a panel discussion

4:50 PM - 5:10 PM

Alberta Investment Management Corporation (AIMCo) manages more than C$20bn in infrastructure and renewable resources on behalf of local pension, endowment and government funds. What is top of the agenda at AIMCo and how is its infrastructure strategy evolving to meet the challenges of tomorrow?
Ahmed Mubashir - Head of Infrastructure - EMEA & India, AIMCo in conversation with Richard Lowe - Editor, IPE Real Assets

7:30 PM - 10:30 PM
Join us as we reveal the winners and highly commended investors of this year's IPE Real Assets & Infrastructure Global Investor Awards

Friday, 13 September

8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
Registration and Coffee
9:05 AM - 9:30 AM

Mobilising capital for natural infrastructure projects, including those related to water, forestry and agriculture, is critical for their wider implementation. With case studies and first-hand experience demonstrating that the time is right for this style of investment.

9:30 AM - 10:25 AM

Presentation followed by a panel discussion
Natural Capital as an asset class is a fast-rising priority for investors. Understanding the portfolio benefits of natural capital investments – including farmland and timberland, with a focus on biodiversity, will allow investors to be prepared to act on potential opportunities.

Presentation - Investing in Natural Capital to Meet Today’s Global Challenges

10:25 AM - 10:55 AM
10:55 AM - 11:50 AM

Presentation followed by a panel discussion
Forestry as an asset class is evolving as it becomes central to sustainability, net zero and biodiversity. How should investors understand and approach the sector in 2024?

11:50 AM - 12:25 PM

In 2022, COP15 saw the adoption of bold promises to protect nature. In the intervening two years, extraordinary advances in the development of technologies and tools have enabled investors to disclose their nature-based impact, dependencies, value and supply chains with unprecedented accuracy. With COP16 just weeks away, we look at the growth of nature as an asset class and its mainstreaming into the broader investment universe. We’ll also get a preview of what this year’s conference may hold in store for the investment community.
Vian Sharif - Founder, NatureAlpha