From recycling, waste management, energy consumption reduction, the use of recyclable materials and resources to encouraging and facilitating the use of public transport and carbon-offsetting initiatives, IPE is committed to organising events that adhere to sustainable principles to protect the environment and society and reduce our carbon footprint and impact in the cities, regions and venues we work with. 

Travel and transport

Our travel policy emphasises reducing the carbon footprints of delegates and staff. Placing public transport and train over plane at its heart, IPE:

  • does not support travel by taxi to and from airports or other points of arrival, such as, but not limited to, train stations
  • does not support travel by taxi between venues or any other two points in the cities where we organise our events
  • promotes the use of trains over planes to cities that are 500km or fewer from the point of departure
  • explores the use of electric and hybrid vehicles where possible
  • promotes and encourages the use of public transports systems and walking where this is feasible
  • seeks to form partnerships with flight and train operators with discounted fares and carbon offsetting initiatives

Venues and catering

We evaluate the venues that we select according to specific sustainable criteria. Central to partnerships we form with venues and caterers for events that we organise are the following factors:

  • waste management policies
  • unused food distribution
  • supporting local and regional food, flowers and materials suppliers
  • the use of seasonal vegetables and meats/fish bred and reared organically and/or according to sustainable farming where possible
  • offering at least one mains vegetarian and/or vegan dish and gluten-free options
  • reusable and recyclable household items such as glass and/or paper glasses and cups
  • minimal use of single-use and non-recyclable plastics and metals
  • housekeeping policies such as multiple use of towels and bed linen
  • reduced use of cleaning materials and appliances
  • carbon management and offsetting policies
  • proximity to public transport hubs, stops and stations and local amenities
  • supporting local communities and diversity of employment

Sponsors and exhibitors

Our events are closed events that are built around strong relationships with sponsors and other partners that often have exhibition space as part of their networking drive. We engage with our sponsors and exhibitors to encourage:

  • the use of public transport systems
  • booking hotels that meet minimum sustainable standards
  • exhibition stands that are reusable and reused
  • exhibition giveaways that are not made of or contain single-use plastics that cannot be recycled
  • reduced use of electricity and preference for LED-led devices
  • avoiding electronic giveaways that are battery powered or produce hazardous waste
  • reduced numbers of brochures and printed materials
  • the use of recyclable paper and materials for any printed promotions
  • the use of recyclable cups and plates or other items used for food and drink samples and/or giveaways
  • waste materials should be kept to a minimum and disposed using dedicated waste management bins and methods 


Ensuring that our delegates and colleagues can access all aspects of our events is key. IPE’s events attract diverse and dynamic people of all abilities and ensuring that each can access all aspects of our events at all stages of their organisation is a key consideration in our decision-making when assessing venues and our websites. This includes:

  • a barrier-free website that includes a home page with a compliance rating of AA according to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. Click here to learn more
  • ensuring barrier free parking spaces close to the venues where we organise our events
  • ensuring venues are close to barrier-free or partially barrier-free public transport stops, stations or hubs
  • ensuring venues offer step and barrier-free street-level or ramp access 
  • ensuring venues offer step and barrier-free and adapted assistive services, such as toilets and lifts
  • ensuring conference rooms and spaces are step and barrier-free on one level
  • ensuring inductive audio systems where possible
  • ensuring catering stations are accessible to people in wheelchairs or people with other disabilities
  • ensuring appropriate and adapted assistive furniture is available to people in wheelchairs