Darius Sarshar
Principal, Europe, SLM Partners

Darius Sarshar is a Principal at SLM Partners. He is based in the London office and leads their forestry and agriculture investment work in Europe. He has worked in a range of forestry roles internationally, in commercial forestry, community forestry and in FSC certification before joining New Forests where he co-led the Asian investment team that managed timberland investment funds and nature-based solutions carbon and biodiversity projects. He has also worked as a consultant on impact-oriented land investment strategies for a range of private sector, NGO and multilateral development bank clients. He has co-authored several publications on forestry and featured in TV documentaries on sustainable forest management for the BBC, ArteTV (France) and NHK (Japan). He has an MBA from the Melbourne Business School and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. He studied Natural Sciences at Cambridge University, before going on to do a master’s degree in Forestry at Oxford University.

Darius Sarshar