As the world grapples from the fall-out with rising inflation, climate change and the conflict in Ukraine, Icelandic pension funds find themselves ever evolving as they continue to open up to global investment landscapes. Areas such as natural capital and carbon footprint management will increasingly appeal to Iceland’s pension funds as they review their investment strategies alongside traditional Icelandic strengths such as DC and hybrid structuring. IPE Iceland 2022 takes a closer look at the next chapter in Iceland’s pension fund sector’s global ventures.

(Click the session title to view full synopsis)

Timings are local (BST-1)

9:05 AM

Leading Icelandic economist, Erna Björg Sverrisdóttir, joins IPE's Pirkko Juntunen, to discuss among others:

  • Inflation and interest rates
  • Wage agreements and their effect on asset markets
  • The sustainability of pension funds
9:35 AM
Keynote address

In this session, global macro-economics and demographics expert, Amlan Roy, takes a close look at current trends affecting the global economy, including;

  • Growth
  • Inflation
  • The energy crisis
  • Supply chain
  • Demographics
  • The pensions investment landscape
10:05 AM
Keynote address

The EU Taxonomy is a milestone for responsible investment and an important building block for financing Europe’s climate and energy transition to net zero emissions by 2050. At its core, it clarifies what exactly should be considered as ‘sustainable’, in particular in the ecological sense, to prevent the risk of ‘greenwashing’. This session deals with the Taxonomy principles, its sustainability and investment criteria, and its implication for investors.

10:35 AM
11:00 AM
Keynote address

This keynote presentation focuses on the transition from ESG to real impact outcomes and from an unsustainable to a sustainable economy.

11:20 AM
This presentation will provide a deep overview of the alternative assets industry, covering the evolution of its size over time and its potential. It will also consider investor allocations throughout 2022, performance, launches and fundraising with specific focus on private equity, venture capital and hedge funds. Preqin's reach is primarily global, enabling it to drill down to take a specific European focus.
11:45 AM
Fund Manager Investment Insights

Over the past 10 or so years, sophisticated limited partners (LPs) have steadily increased allocations to private markets, particularly private equity (PE), which displayed considerable resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic

We are living through a pivotal time marked by geopolitical realignment, the end of benign inflation and a 40-year period of declining interest rates. It is likely that new equity market leadership will form over the next cycle but it does not mean ‘growth investing’ is dead...

12:20 PM
1:40 PM

Member communication and engagement take centre stage in this session, with the discussion centred on current innovation and potential challenges, while comparing the Icelandic approach with international standards.

2:25 PM
Fund Manager Investment Insights

Timberland and farmland are increasingly attractive investment propositions for institutional investors. With established performance track records, they offer portfolio diversification benefits that could potentially help enhance risk-adjusted returns and preserve capital, while generating positive impacts for society and the environment.

Increasing yields, higher inflation and potentially a global recession are all hot topics in financial markets. The effect on prices of financial assets – from government bonds and corporate credit to equities – has been significant. But how should we expect “alternatives” to respond to this new world order?

3:00 PM
Coffee Break
3:25 PM
The Global Perspective Series
In this session, international pension experts present their views on the global trends in the pensions industry and how these compare with and benefit the Icelandic pension fund system.
Keynote address

The fallacy of member engagement communication: “what you want, when you need it!” This session looks at communication in DC arrangements and asks if investment choices are a red herring. In addition, it considers the dilemmas influencing future investing. 

Keynote address

The Mercer CFA Institute Global Pension Index ranks Iceland’s retirement income system as the world’s best. Can it get even better? That is the question this session addresses.

4:15 PM
Keynote address

In this keynote address, renowned Russian geopolitical specialist, Jason Corcoran, shares his view on what is driving Putin in his war with Ukraine and why Putin seems willing to destroy decades of economic gains and freedoms made by Russia. He will also reflect on when it might be palatable to invest in Russia again and the lessons learnt from the past.

4:55 PM
Drinks Reception & Networking