IPE Iceland 2022

As the world grapples from the fall-out with rising inflation, climate change and the conflict in Ukraine, Icelandic pension funds find themselves ever evolving as they continue to open up to global investment landscapes. Areas such as natural capital and carbon footprint management will increasingly appeal to Iceland’s pension funds as they review their investment strategies alongside traditional Icelandic strengths such as DC and hybrid structuring. IPE Iceland 2022 takes a closer look at the next chapter in Iceland’s pension fund sector’s global ventures.

Keynote speakers

Key themes

Keith Ambachtsheer
Director Emeritus
International Centre for Pension Management
KPA Advisory Services Ltd

Jason Corcoran
Independent Journalist
The Sunday Times

Andreas Hoepner
Full Professor of Operational Risk, Banking And Finance
University College Dublin

Stefan Lundbergh
Director and Head of Design
Cardano Insights

Amlan Roy
Global Macro Demographics
Research Associate
Systemic Risk Centre, London School of Economics (LSE)

Martin Stavenhagen
Senior Associate, Climate Policy

Managing Change: Rates, returns, climate and longevity

  • Alternatives
  • Taxonomy: Carbon foot-print measurement techniques
  • Membership communication
  • Geopolitics and macroeconomics

Previous investor delegates

Almenni lífeyrissjóðurinn
Arion banki
Birta lífeyrissjóður
Brú lífeyrissjóður
Church of England Pensions Board
EFÍA - Eftirlaunasjóður FÍA
Festa lífeyrissjóður
Frjálsi lífeyrissjóðurinn
Industriens Pension

Íslenski lífeyrissjóðurinn
Jöklar-Verðbréf hf
Lifsverk Lifeyrissjóöur
Lífeyrissjóður bankamanna
LSR - Lífeyrissjóður starfsmanna ríkisins
LV - Lífeyrissjóður verzlunarmanna
LSBÍ - Lífeyrissjóðs starfsmanna Búnaðarbanka Íslands
Söfnunarsjóður lífeyrisréttinda
Stapi Lifeyrissjóöur

About IPE Iceland

IPE Iceland 2022 is dedicated to senior Icelandic pension fund investors. Informative, Iceland-specific and free to attend for qualified pension funds, this unique one-day forum brings together Iceland’s investment decision makers with asset manager specialists, European pension fund peers, chief economists and key local stakeholders.

Lead sponsors

Associate sponsors