London - Tuesday 18 September

The Dorchester
53 Park Lane
London W1K 1QA
Breakfast & Networking
Introduction & Overview
Identifying Weak Signals in Managing ESG Risks
Fulfilling investors’ fiduciary duty requires a holistic risk assessment of companies that can no longer overlook extra-financial information. If undertaken correctly using a pragmatic ESG approach based on materiality, integrating ESG can lead to additional value. In this presentation, CPR Asset Management will give an overview of its differentiating methodology that combines standard overall ESG ratings with more granular ESG information: the so-called “weak signals”.
Investing for a 2°C World: Reduce Your Footprint, Expand Your Opportunities
  • Understanding the connection between investment portfolios and climate change
  • How to measure the carbon footprint of an investment portfolio
  • New multi-input climate impact methodology: improving the evaluation of the climate impact of portfolios and developing investment solutions fit for a 2°C world
  • The leading role of active management: what are the alternatives to representative indices that are not aligned with the needs of ambitious climate scenarios?
  • Examining research, methodology and concrete investment strategies to improve contribution to the energy transition and reduce environmental and climate impact while expanding opportunities
Coffee & Networking
A Rules-based Approach to Integrating Climate Risk
As the need intensifies for the world to transition to a low-carbon economy, UBS will use this session to consider ways in which aligning to the 2° global warming scenario can provide investors with opportunities. In particular, it will explore the benefits of adopting a low cost, rules-based approach to integrating climate risk, with a focus on:
  • Incorporating a forward looking approach aligned to carbon reduction targets
  • The use of qualitative and quantitative factors to tilt exposures towards those companies more likely to follow the 2o reduction scenario and away from those likely to track the 6° scenario
  • The role of an active engagement and proxy voting policy to drive positive climate change action.
Integrating ESG into Fixed Income
In this presentation, Cameron Hume will demonstrate the application of ESG to fixed income drawing on aspects of portfolio construction and security selection. What are ESG factors and are they reflected in bond prices?  
  • aggregate pricing
  • issuer selection
  • specific examples
Discussion Panel / Roundtable