Copenhagen - Thursday 27 September

Hotel D'Angleterre
Kongens Nytorv 34
1050 Copenhagen
Breakfast & Networking
Introduction & Overview
Rachel Fixsen, Nordic Correspondent, IPE
Integrating ESG into Fixed Income
In this presentation, Cameron Hume will demonstrate the application of ESG to fixed income drawing on aspects of portfolio construction and security selection. What are ESG factors and are they reflected in bond prices?  
  • aggregate pricing
  • issuer selection
  • specific examples
Energy: The Future is Now - (When) Can Transition Turn Into Disruption?
  • Energy transition drivers and disruption in the energy markets: assessing new technologies and the acceleration of energy savings
  • Energy 2020: how will markets look and what are the consequences for investors?
  • Investments in new sustainable technologies: examining the next generation of high-efficiency renewable energy
Coffee & Networking
Investing for a 2°C World: Reduce Your Footprint, Expand Your Opportunities
  • Understanding the connection between investment portfolios and climate change
  • How to measure the carbon footprint of an investment portfolio
  • New multi-input climate impact methodology: improving the evaluation of the climate impact of portfolios and developing investment solutions fit for a 2°C world
  • The leading role of active management: what are the alternatives to representative indices that are not aligned with the needs of ambitious climate scenarios?
  • Examining research, methodology and concrete investment strategies to improve contribution to the energy transition and reduce environmental and climate impact while expanding opportunities
Investing for Global Impact
The issues facing our people and planet are no longer fringe topics - they affect us all. How can direct investments in cycle-tested business such as real estate, inclusive growth and resource efficiency achieve competitive risk-adjusted returns with intentional and measurable societal and environmental outcomes? 
Discussion Panel / Roundtable