ESG Munich
Hotel Bayerischer Hof
Tuesday 25 June 2019, 08:00 - 11:45


Tuesday, June 25, 2019
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
9:05 AM
  • How is ESG compatible with factor investing?
  • Understanding how to apply ESG to the whole portfolio without destroying performance
  • Examining the growing impact of climate change
  • Exploring how to incorporate both ESG and climate change in a risk conscious active stock selection approach
9:30 AM
ESG integration for privately held assets requires a different approach from public markets. This session explores how best to overcome challenges around lack of public ESG data and how ESG can be successfully integrated into asset classes such as farmland, timber, commodities, real estate, impact strategies and private debt.
9:55 AM
10:10 AM

EU regulation is imminent, and its new taxonomy will ensure integrating ESG indicators runs deeply. Impax believes that investors should view the legislation as an opportunity. Impax has a 20 year history of investing in the transition to a more sustainable economy. In this session, Lisa will introduce the Impax Sustainability Lens, and looks both back and forward and asks:

  • What lessons have been learned?
  • What were and remain the biggest challenges?
  • What have we learned from company engagement?
10:35 AM
Explore how the benefits of impact investing can be measured, both in terms of investment performance, and environmental and/or social impact. Using examples it is possible to illustrate how mainstream investment can contribute to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and how it’s possible to achieve the double bottom line of strong financial returns and positive impact.
11:00 AM
  • Fiduciary duty to integrate relevant ESG indicators
  • Standard for relevant ESG indicators
  • Database for relevant ESG indicators
  • ​​​​​​​Outperformance with ESG integration of relevant ESG indicators into equity and corporate bond indices
  • ​​​​​​​EU regulation asking for disclosure of “impacts of sustainability risks on the returns of the financial products”
11:25 AM
11:45 AM


Hotel Bayerischer Hof

Promenadepl. 2-6
80333 München
T: +49 89 21 20-0
