Measure. Integrate. Future Proof.
ESG, sustainable and responsible investing are themes that continue to sit high on the agenda for institutional investors.
As the demand rises from members, trustees and society as a whole to see ESG as a consideration when pension funds allocate their assets, so too does the uncertainty surrounding how asset owners can select and implement an effective ESG approach.
IPE’s ESG seminars will tackle questions surrounding the measurement and implementation of ESG across different asset classes, the role of ESG data in risk/return analysis and the use of sustainability as a performance driver with topics including:
- ESG integration
- Application across different asset classes
- Stewardship and responsible ownership
- Future proofing portfolios / carbon risk reduction
- Climate bonds taxonomy
- Metrics, frameworks and reporting
- Green finance / green bonds
- Financial returns and ESG
- Impact investing
- Sustainable investing
- ESG in alternative investments
- ESG in emerging markets
- Climate change – risk management
- Member views and engagement surveys
- Engagement and stewardship - EU Sustainable Action Plan
Seminar Series Sponsors

For more details about sponsorship, please contact Ben Pritchett-Brown on +44 (0)20 3465 9315 or at
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