ESG London
The Ritz
Tuesday 21 May 2019, 08:00 - 12:30


Methodologies employed by the major indices act as a poor proxy for climate-related investment risks facing investors. To obtain the comparative insights within the oil and gas sector, Imperial College Business School examined the ongoing strategic responses by the major international oil companies.  In this presentation, one of the authors will share their findings about who scores tops (and who scores bottom) with regards to energy transition preparedness.  The methodology, applicable to other industrial sectors, generates investment insights based on:
  • portfolio exposures 
  • research and development activities
  • portfolio diversification
  • new business development
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
9:05 AM
Methodologies employed by the major indices act as a poor proxy for climate-related investment risks facing investors. To obtain the comparative insights within the oil and gas sector, Imperial College Business School examined the ongoing strategic responses by the major international oil companies.  In this presentation, one of the authors will share their findings about who scores tops (and who scores bottom) with regards to energy transition preparedness.  The methodology, applicable to other industrial sectors, generates investment insights based on:
  • portfolio exposures 
  • research and development activities
  • portfolio diversification
  • new business development
9:30 AM
  • ESG integration challenges with non-standard, low-quality and scarce data;
  • Updated corporate governance and sustainability frameworks
  • Case studies: how to add value through direct engagement, rather than collaborative initiatives
  • Use of third-party providers to assess and provide enhanced modelled data
  • Important research themes, such as gender diversity, single-use plastics, broad corporate governance standards and remuneration structures
9:55 AM

Explore how the benefits of impact investing can be measured, both in terms of investment performance, and environmental and/or social impact. Using examples it is possible to illustrate how mainstream investment can contribute to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and how it’s possible to achieve the double bottom line of strong financial returns and positive impact.

10:20 AM
10:35 AM
11:00 AM

It remains one of the most under-reported mysteries that ESG in fixed income has lagged behind equities measured by legacy, column inches, product availability (and conference airtime!). This is despite fixed income being the natural (and growing home) for asset allocations in ageing advanced economies, and fixed income (debt and loans) being the funding engine of economic and corporate growth. This short talk will look at five elements of this mystery:

  • Why is ESG so important for fixed income?
  • How is fixed income ESG evolving?
  • What are ESG Ratings and how they are used?
  • Engagement: the elephant in the room
  • Practical steps investors & owners are taking
11:25 AM
11:45 AM

The Ritz Hotel

150 Piccadilly, St James's
London W1J 9BR
T: +44 (0)20 7493 8181