Lisa Beauvilain
Head of Sustainability & ESG, Managing Director
Impax Asset Management
Lisa Beauvilain is Head of Sustainability & ESG and Managing Director of Impax Asset Management, with responsibility for the development and oversight of its ESG analysis, including environmental policy and legislation research in the listed equity team. She is also the Chair of Impax’s ESG and Lens Committees and co-heads its impact investment work. Beauvilain joined Impax in 2010. She started working in the financial industry in 1999 and previously worked as an executive director in the investment management division of Goldman Sachs International. She has also worked as an independent consultant, focusing on environmental policy research and analysis. Beauvilain is active within working groups relating to impact investing, the circular economy and ESG standard setting with several external industry organisations. She has an MSc in environment and development from the London School of Economics as well as an MSc in finance from the Hanken School of Economics in Finland.