The IPE Conference & Awards comprises in-depth and highly topical debate sessions, featuring inspiring keynotes and practical panels.  With typically 300 top executives from pension providers in attendance, the event brings together influential decision-makers from across Europe.

With the world increasing in turmoil as war ravages in Ukraine, inflation spirals out of control and climate change continues to alter the planet’s landscapes, the IPE Conference & Awards focuses on the transition to net zero, reassessing emerging markets, advances in technology, how inflation will influence asset allocation, the state of ESG and impact investing. What solutions can be implemented to ensure Europe’s pension funds overcome these global challenges?

Wednesday 30 November

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Open to all asset owners
The IPE Quest Boardroom Summit creates an informal environment where investors can share investment strategy experiences and best practice with peers. We aim to bring together around 25-30 investors to keep the discussion as productive as possible and the meeting is held under the Chatham House Rule.

Location: Mees II
4:00 PM
Welcome and Networking
4:30 PM
IPE Quest Boardroom Summit

Moderated by Carlo Svaluto Moreolo, Deputy Editor, IPE

How to attend:
Please contact Jayna Vishram at to register.
For further details regarding travel and accommodation information please contact Jucelia Pilatti at

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
IPE 25th Anniversary Welcome Drinks

An open invitation for any delegates in Rotterdam on 30 November to join us for an informal drinks reception at the Postillion Hotel & Convention Centre WTC 

IPE 25th Anniversary Welcome Drinks
Location: Business Lounge

Thursday 1 December

8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Registration, Networking and Coffee
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM

The global trend of transferring pension and longevity risk continues to grow exponentially, with more than $620bn in transactions completed since 2007 in the US, UK and Canada alone. Companies have continued de-risking pension plans through an era of great uncertainty and recently at the most attractive prices witnessed in years.  What may the future look like for the global pension risk transfer market?

Location: Veder
What’s Going on in Pensions Around Europe?

Leading developments in pensions featuring deep-dive presentations from leading experts from the Netherlands, Germany, Poland and Lithuania, followed by a Q&A session.

Location: Mees II
Recalibration of Asset Allocation in the Era of High Inflation  

The recent surge in inflation is forcing pension plans to future-proof their portfolios. This is easier said than done whilst the unknowns are overwhelmed by the unknowables. In the dark, all swans look black. The session will show why asset allocation has become a high-wire act that blends caution with opportunism.

Location: Mees I
10:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Location: Rotterdam Hall II
Welcome from the Netherlands

The CEO of the Dutch pension fund association welcomes us to her hometown on behalf of the Netherlands' pension community.

Strategic Investor Response to Global Challenges

Will long-term structural weakness, fiscal pressures, demographics, and financial fragility see a return to quantitative easing sooner than most people think?

The concept of impact investing has moved further into the mainstream, sparking lively debate in the asset management industry around how genuine impact can be achieved through publicly listed equities and corporate bonds. What are the practical considerations when building an investment strategy with the dual ambition of financial and sustainability performance?

Location: Veder

Impact investing is now advancing into public markets. Net zero, the UN’s sustainable development goals and, not least, COVID-19 act as powerful catalysts of this evolution. The estimated $100trn of assets required to reach net zero by 2050 and the $5-$7trn needed annually to achieve the SDGs can be raised only through the scale and reach of public markets.

Location: Penn I

The session explores the decarbonisation strategies available to net zero-conscious equity and fixed income market participants, outlining how index-based net zero solutions may complement a broader strategy with respect to the unique design features of the Paris-Aligned fixed income index methodology.

Location: Mees II

Alternative investments cover a vast variety of asset types including private equity, venture capital, infrastructure and debt. A common denominators is their focus on positively impacting the economic development of target companies and projects as well as the entrepreneurship at the heart of these investments.

Location: Mees I

Long-term perspectives and the key waves that the Franklin Templeton Institute believes are set to transform the investment landscape: geopolitics, demographics, technology, debt, and climate change. What are the practical implications? Some of them include the need to re-orient historical biases around returns, volatility and risk.

Location: Leeuwen II

This discussion will focus on how index-based strategies can provide a way to mitigate climate risks in portfolios by tilting allocations to be aligned to a net-zero economy. How can investors integrate net-zero priorities into their index portfolios – and how does doing so via a rules-based investment approach differ from traditional active investment approaches?

Location: Leeuwen I

Generali Insurance Asset Management has started integrating ESG research into credit investment decisions, going beyond simple approaches such as external ESG scoring. Its experience as the internal asset manager for one of the largest insurance companies in Europe with an established ESG framework in place serves to strengthen its ESG credit process.

Location: Penn II
12:45 PM - 1:45 PM
Location: Shipping Hall
12:45 PM - 1:45 PM
Networking Lunch: Pension Scholarship Trust Research Showcase
Location: Goudriaan II
Mandatory Pension Saving and Homeownership

Mandatory minimum retirement account contributions defer housing market entry and increase loan-to-value ratios. A flexible retirement saving scheme could alleviate these side effects.

Pension Funds and Financial Stability: Evidence from European Union Countries

An examination of effect of pension funds, demonstrates that pension funds provide stability in financial markets, especially during periods of market stress.  This research points to an important policy implication – pensions auto-enrolment can enhance financial stability in European countries. 

1:45 PM - 2:30 PM
Forum A: Pension Funds and the Energy Transition

Leaving fossil fuels in the ground and promoting cleaner energy is an opportunity for investors including pension funds to speed up the process of the energy transition. In this panel we will discuss opportunities and challenges while highlighting specific approaches that are available for investors

Location: Rotterdam Hall II
Forum B: Time to Rethink Emerging Markets Investment?

Is it time to challenge consensus thinking on how to allocate to emerging markets? Our panel kicks the tyres on conventional benchmark-driven approaches to global emerging markets and sketches out a vision for how institutional investors should shape their allocations to equities and bonds outside of developed markets in the future.

Location: Diamond I
Forum C: Pension Risk Management: European Perspectives

Recent developments in the UK pensions market have highlighted existing and new questions on interest-rate hedging practice in the EU: what exactly happened in the UK and why? While the circumstances may be very different, do EU pension funds need to review their governance and collateral management practices? And, what role can the ECB play as pension funds move to central clearing counterparties for derivatives clearing?

Location: Diamond II

China’s journey to being a global superpower is well underway, but the recent property slump and uncertainties around government intervention may temporarily dampen enthusiasm for Chinese assets. Chinese markets, however, are now so deeply embedded in global economies through international trade and supply chains that China must remain firmly in an investor’s spotlight.

Location: Penn I

What does it mean to practically implement credible Paris-aligned portfolios year after year, balancing climate considerations and fiduciary duty? This session discusses investment implications of climate pathways in the energy transition. By looking across granular, science-based climate transition pathways, portfolios can make better use of tracking error and are more efficient at mitigating transition risks.

Location: Mees II

The outbreak of the war in Ukraine, high energy prices and sticky inflation have led to divergent performances of sustainable investment strategies in 2022. Allocators can target different investment outcomes, which are interlinked with diversification objectives, active industry bets and, in turn, their response to the macro-economic cycle. How can investors allocate to strategies that are able to cope with potential ongoing volatility?

Location: Veder

Impact investing is a growing and important concept. Growth is especially pronounced in private markets, particular private equity. Investors are increasing impact allocations and investments with the goal of achieving positive environmental and social outcomes. In this context, impact measurement is an integral part of assessments.

Location: Mees I

The current volatile environment where risk can change in a flash is here to stay and wreaking havoc on institutional portfolios. This session will provide practical insights into how pension funds can view, analyse and deploy risk across all asset classes - including ESG investments - to achieve their objectives in this new market paradigm.

Location: Leeuwen II

Pension funds and insurance companies are making increasing use of ETFs as tools to manage their portfolios. The key elements of ETFs are liquidity, transparency and easy access. In this workshop, SPDR presents several case studies, explaining why portfolio managers favour ETFs and how they are integrated in practice.

Location: Leeuwen I

China’s A-share market, the second largest stock market in the world, has unique characteristics that create a conducive foundation for quantitative investment to generate alpha. As one of China’s largest and most experienced quantitative mutual fund managers, E Fund has been leveraging global quantitative methodology to the local China market for over a decade.

Location: Penn II
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Location: Rotterdam Hall II
An update from the International Sustainability Standards Board
Keynote address
Disruptive Trends Shaping the Future of Societies and Investments
Keynote address

Globalisation is at a crossroads with implications for the global economy and the management of risks in a more fragmented world. Prof Goldin, the author of numerous books on globalisation and systemic risk, examines the relationship between the major trends and the implications for societies. While providing a global picture, he will focus on Europe and the potential effects for pensions and long-term investments. Join the session to listen to one of the most important academics who predicted the global trends we are currently experiencing.

6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
IPE Conference & Awards 2022 Networking Drinks 
Location: Shipping Hall
7:30 PM - 11:00 PM
IPE European Pension Fund 2022 Awards Dinner & Ceremony

Join us for dinner as we reveal the highly commended investors and winners of this year's IPE European Pension Fund Awards at the magnificent medieval church, Grote- of Sint Laurenskerk.

Location: Grote- of Sint Laurenskerk

Friday 2 December

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
IPE presents an exclusive screening: Your 100-Year Life

Join us for breakfast and an exclusive screening of Theo Kocken's latest film, Your 100-Year Life, followed by a Q&A sessionRegister now as places are limited. For more information, see below

Screening followed up by a Q&A session with

IPE presents an exclusive screening: Your 100-Year Life
Location: Mees I & II

IPE presents an exclusive screening on Friday 2 December

Your 100 Year Life

How can we avert the global catastrophe awaiting our elderly? 
The documentary Your 100-Year Life raises the alarm concerning life after retirement

Hurray, we are living longer. The bad news is pension systems are busting worldwide. With extensive old age poverty as a result. In The Netherlands the system is still solid, though inflation is hitting many pensioners here as well.

An incisive picture from all over the world
The documentary Your 100-Year Life, by risk management professor and Cardano founder Theo Kocken, stages a mind-blowing representation of the parlous state of old-age provision, all over the world. Mixing personal stories and expert analysis with humour and optimism, in a unique way.

It’s not too late yet
Your 100-Year Life shows how even the richest countries have been brought to this point. Yet, there are genuine grounds for hope. It’s not too late yet. Providing we rethink the concept of retirement in general, and of old age, the quality of life as a pensioner and financing it in particular. It will make your hundredth anniversary something to celebrate.