Małgorzata Rusewicz
President, Chamber of Pension Funds, Poland  , 

Małgorzata Rusewicz is President of the Chamber of Pension Funds, President of the Management Board of the Chamber of Fund and Asset Management. Rusewicz started her career as a lawyer at the Social Insurance Institution. In subsequent years she cooperated with the Institute of Labour and Social Affairs and the University of Ghent. She worked in the Polish Confederation Lewiatan as Director of the Department of Social Dialogue and Labour Relations and Coordinator of the Labour Market Council. Rusewicz was a member of the Tripartite Commission, Social Dialogue Committee at the European Commission and exert groups functioning within Business Europe. She was nominated for the IPE European Pension Fund Award for Outstanding Industry Contribution in 2013. Since 2020 she has led the Chamber of Fund and Asset Management. She graduated from the Law Faculty at the University of Białystok and completed post-graduate studies in insurance at the Warsaw School of Economics.  
Małgorzata Rusewicz