With the world increasing in turmoil as war ravages Ukraine, inflation spirals out of control and climate change continues to alter the planet’s landscapes, the IPE Conference & Awards 2022 focuses on the transition to net zero, reassessing emerging markets, advances in technology, how inflation will influence asset allocation, the state of ESG and impact investing. What solutions can be implemented to ensure Europe’s pension funds overcome these global challenges?

Programme highlights 


IPE presents an exclusive screening on Friday 2 December 2022

Your 100 Year Life
Join us for breakfast followed by an exclusive screening of Theo Kocken's latest film: Your 100 Year Life. Theo will be present to take your questions after the screening. Register now as places are limited!

How can we avert the global catastrophe awaiting our elderly? 
The documentary Your 100-Year Life raises the alarm concerning life after retirement

Hurray, we are living longer. The bad news is pension systems are busting worldwide. With extensive old age poverty as a result. In The Netherlands the system is still solid, though inflation is hitting many pensioners here as well.

An incisive picture from all over the world
The documentary Your 100-Year Life, by risk management professor and Cardano founder Theo Kocken, stages a mind-blowing representation of the parlous state of old-age provision, all over the world. Mixing personal stories and expert analysis with humour and optimism, in a unique way.

It’s not too late yet
Your 100-Year Life shows how even the richest countries have been brought to this point. Yet, there are genuine grounds for hope. It’s not too late yet. Providing we rethink the concept of retirement in general, and of old age, the quality of life as a pensioner and financing it in particular. It will make your hundredth anniversary something to celebrate.

About the IPE Conference & Awards

The IPE Conference & Awards has been rewarding excellence in Europe's highly diverse and innovative pensions industry for 23 years and is the premier event of its kind with the largest annual gathering of pension funds in Europe.

The IPE Conference comprises in-depth and highly topical debate sessions, featuring inspiring keynotes and practical panels.  With typically 300 top executives from pension providers in attendance, the event brings together influential decision-makers from across Europe.

The IPE European Pension Fund Awards each year recognise the bar-raising achievements of the diverse pension funds across Europe and celebrate excellence by creating a meaningful broad set of benchmarks.

IPE Conference & Awards 2022 reference version Sponsors

Each year, IPE works in close partnership with the world's leading investment and asset management firms to deliver the IPE Conference & Awards. There are four levels of sponsorship: Gold, Silver, Bronze and Country/Regional and Themed. To learn more about sponsorship opportunities, please contact: Jucelia Pilatti on +44 (0)20 3465 9314 or jucelia.pilatti@ipe.com