Who can attend

○ Corporate pension funds and group retirement plans
○ Industry-wide multi-employer pension funds
○ Life insurance and pensions insurance companies
○ Professional multi-employer pension funds
○ Public sector pension funds
○ Sovereign reserve and buffer funds
○ National first pillar and pay-as-you-go pension funds
○ Pension fund investment consultants
○ Sponsors
○ Sponsors' guests

We welcome delegates and entries from all types of pensions structures and arrangements, including cash, defined benefit, defined contribution and hybrid plans, irrespective of size. 
If you do not match any of these categories, please contact Jucelia Pilatti at jucelia.pilatti@ipe.com for guidance on whether or not you may attend. 

Why attend

Networking Meet over 300 senior pension fund executives attending from across Europe

The Conference The sessions provide in-depth analysis of the most topical issues and the opportunity for pension funds to discuss the issues with their peers

Exhibition Opportunity to network with peers and to meet industry experts sponsoring the event

The Awards The Awards set the industry benchmark for excellence in the management of Europe’s pension funds. The winners are revealed during the Awards Dinner & Ceremony on 02 December


Who qualifies for a subsidised place?

IPE guarantees a place for two senior executives from pension funds and similar pensions providers that submit an entry or set of entries in the IPE Awards¹

IPE offers subsidised places on a first come first served basis to pension funds and similar pensions providers that do not enter but attend the IPE Conference & Awards (places are limited, so please register early).

What does a subsidised place comprise?

IPE offers free accommodation at one of the official hotels on the evening of Thursday 1 December 2022 and up to €500 towards travel costs²

Attendance at the IPE Conference on Thursday 1 December 2022 is mandatory to be eligible for any travel reimbursement. Please contact the IPE Events Team at events.team@ipe.com to make prior arrangement if you cannot meet this condition. 

Attendance at the IPE Awards Ceremony & Dinner on Thursday 1 December 2022 is mandatory to be eligible for accommodation

You must submit your travel expense claim by Friday, January 13, 2023. IPE will not honour any claims after this date unless this has been agreed in advance in writing with the IPE Events Team at events.team@ipe.com

IPE only covers the cost of travel to and from the IPE Conference & Awards. It does not cover the cost of any food or beverages

IPE only accepts claims for economy or standard class travel. First, Business or Premier class travel will not be reimbursed under any circumstances

The maximum allowance for travel costs is €500. Any costs above this maximum are at your own expense. IPE recommends that you book your travel as soon as your attendance has been confirmed to keep costs to a minimum

IPE only accepts claims made using the online form and each registrant must claim individually. IPE does not process group claims

Only direct return economy class tickets from your point of origin to Rotterdam will be reimbursed. If you wish to return to a different location from your point of origin, or if you wish to make a stopover, please contact the IPE Events Team at events.team@ipe.com to make prior arrangement to ensure that reimbursement is considered

IPE only accepts claims for economy or standard class travel. First, Business or Premier class travel will not be reimbursed under any circumstances.

You are required to provide proof of the cost of flights. These can be found on the booking confirmation receipt/itinerary. Proof of flying such as boarding passes and/or the airline itinerary confirmation may also be required. 

If you use a travel agent to book your flights, you must provide a fully detailed invoice including dates and destinations. IPE does not cover travel agent fees.

IPE does not cover the cost of changing any flights unless prior notification or arrangement is agreed with the IPE Events Team at events.team@ipe.com

IPE does not cover the cost of extra or overweight baggage, meals and/or beverages at the airport or during the flight or any other extra costs or fees after the booking has been confirmed

IPE does not reimburse the cost of any flight cancellation under any circumstances. IPE recommends that you are insured for any such occurrence

IPE only covers taxi journeys from your point of origin to the airport and/or event location and return from the event location to the airport and/or point of origin

Tips should be reasonably considered. IPE recommends a tip of 10-12% of the fare.

You must provide a detailed printed or hand-written taxi receipt that includes the point of origin, destination, date and fare

IPE does not cover taxi costs outside of the event

IPE provides transport if an event is not within walking distance to/from official accommodation. If you require transport from your accommodation to the event due to immobility, please inform the IPE Events Team at events.team@ipe.com to ensure that any taxi costs are approved

IPE only covers economy class bus, tram and/or train journeys from your point of origin to the airport and/or event location and return from the event location to the airport and/or point of origin

IPE only accepts claims for economy or standard class travel. First, Business or Premier class travel will not be reimbursed under any circumstances

You must provide detailed proof of either paper or paperless tickets for any bus, tram and/or train travel. For paperless tickets, IPE accepts confirmation emails and bank statement entries.

IPE only covers costs from your point of origin to the airport or event location and return from the event location or airport to your point of origin

Please provide your destination address to and from the event and the distance travelled for each journey

IPE does not accept fuel receipts that are issued more than seven days before or after the event date

IPE requires receipts or proof of payment for any toll charges

IPE only covers standard parking charges. IPE does not cover valet parking and short-term parking charges for multiple days

IPE only covers airport parking for the duration of the event or that of your flight dates and times

IPE only covers parking charges at the event location for the duration of the event

IPE only provides accommodation for attendees who qualify for a subsidised place

IPE does not reimburse for accommodation before or after the event that has not been approved by the IPE Events Team

IPE will not reimburse any accommodation claims on your form without prior agreement with the IPE Events Team

The travel claims form will be available online only from Friday, December 2, 2022 and will be available until Friday, January 13, 2023. 
For further information or to discuss special arrangements about subsidised places, please contact Jucelia Pilatti at jucelia.pilatti@ipe.com
1. Guaranteed places are limited to two per entrant and are offered to executives from the pension fund or similar pensions provider named as the entry
2. IPE does not reimburse First, Business or Premier class travel under any circumstances