Claire Huang
Senior Emerging Markets Macro Strategist, Amundi Asset Management
Claire Huang is Senior Emerging Markets Macro Strategist at Amundi Asset Management. She is based in London. Huang is responsible for macro and strategy research for North Asia, including China and Japan. Huang joined the Global Research Team at Amundi Asset Management as a Macro Strategist in 2020. She previously worked as a Greater China Economist at Société Générale, producing forecasts and economic analysis for the regional economies. Huang was Economist and Macro Strategist at CCB International from 2018 to 2020, covering macro developments in China and major developed countries. Huang’s approach is data driven, seeking to balance micro evidence with macro analysis. She monitors policy dynamics and economic indicators closely. She won the Forecast Accuracy Award from Consensus Economics for Taiwan in 2017 and ranked top among various indicators in Bloomberg’s monthly survey. Growing up in mainland China, she is a native mandarin speaker. She holds a master’s degree in economics from the University of Hong Kong and a bachelor’s degree in finance from the Chinese University of Hong Kong.