Michael Hunstad
Chief Investment Officer - Global Equities, Northern Trust Asset Management
Michael Hunstad is Chief Investment Officer for Global Equities at Northern Trust Asset Management. He serves on the asset management executive group and leads all equity portfolio management and research for quantitative, index and tax-advantaged strategies. Hunstad was head of quantitative asset allocation at Allstate Investments, LLC and quantitative analyst with a long-short equity hedge fund. He also served as an adjunct professor at the Illinois Institute of Technology. Hunstad was previously a director of quantitative research where he was responsible for leading Northern Trust Asset Management’s factor-based research and product development programs. Hunstad was previously the head of research at Breakfaster Capital, an algorithmic trading firm and hedge fund. He has responsibility for all quantitative equity research, strategist, and quantitative equity portfolio management activities. Hunstad was head of quantitative asset allocation at Allstate Investments, LLC and quantitative analyst with a long-short equity hedge fund. Hunstad was head of research at Breakwater Capital, a proprietary trading firm and hedge fund. He has published more than 80 articles and papers in professional and academic journals including Pensions & Investments, European Pensions, the Journal of Index Investing, the Alternative Investment Analyst Review, the Journal of Financial and Strategic Decisions and the Journal of Corporate Treasury Management. Hunstad has also spoken at more than 200 conferences across North America, Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Australia/NewZealand. He holds a PhD in mathematics, an MBA in finance, an MA in economics and a bachelor’s degree in economics.