Wednesday, October 4, 2023 | Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Centre

8:30 AM
Coffee and registration
9:05 AM
Opening Keynote – The macroeconomic landscape in Europe and beyond

The programme opens with a look at the global economic picture, including inflation targeting, central banks’ monetary policy and risks to Europe’s energy markets. We’ll also explore the health of the German economy and discuss how Nordic nations may cope with a eurozone recession.

9:35 AM
Small equity markets in a big world

Seasoned Nordic investors join one of Iceland’s leading companies to discuss issues around allocating and attracting capital in a globalised investment world. The rise of passive investment means index inclusion is a key factor in determining global investment flows.

  • What difference has index inclusion make for corporates in Iceland, following its reclassification as a frontier emerging market in 2021?
  • How important are such classifications?
  • What should be the role of domestic institutions as allocators and long-term stewards of capital in their home market? 

Moderated by Carlo Svaluto Moreolo

10:20 AM
Fund manager investment insights
Global equities outlook

With markets volatile and inflation still a factor, equity investors need to take a broad perspective.  What role will artificial intelligence, technology and ground-breaking developments in the healthcare sector play, and do they have the potential to drive the next bull market? What are the sustainable themes and trends for 2024 and beyond?

Portfolio construction with alternative investments - an essential building block in a challenging market environment

With the low-interest rate era firmly behind us, the alternative investment market is undergoing a significant transformation. With compelling aspects that go beyond performance and yield, alternatives will play a pivotal role in driving the coming economic transition. What should institutional investors be looking for in their alternative investments?

10:50 AM
Coffee break
11:10 AM
Panel - Investment fees, value for money and the changing role of LPs

Investment fees and value for money are coming under scrutiny in markets globally and across asset classes, with a particular focus on less-liquid investments such as private equity. At the same time, many pension fund LPs are looking to work more cooperatively with GPs, as well as ensure that governance and transparency standards are set within the industry. Our speakers present new research and policy ideas for strengthening asset owners’ influence and reducing costs.

Moderated by Carlo Svaluto Moreolo

11:40 AM
Fund manager investment insights
Opportunities in US small caps

US small cap performance has improved this year, as the economy has held up better than expected and inflation has moderated, and the outlook has become more favourable. We’ll discuss how value can be added through the cycle and the process used to navigate different market environments.

Private equity co-investing in the new macro environment

Yesterday’s ultra-low interest rate, steady economic growth, and moderate inflation environment is no longer present.  What are the implications for co-investing in private equity, and how can LPs continue to achieve attractive returns?

12:10 PM
Presentation: The power behind EVs: Perspectives on the commodities that drive electric cars [online]

Icelanders love electric cars, making the nation a world-leader in EV adoption. The commodities required to manufacture EVs and chargers at scale, specifically copper, aluminium, lithium, nickel and cobalt, may present investment opportunities for pension funds. How might fund allocators consider these commodities in investment decisions?

12:35 PM
1:35 PM
Presentation: Using ETFs to integrate climate considerations into equity portfolios [online]

Institutional investors concerned with mitigating climate change risk within passive equity portfolios may find that newly designed ETFs provide the ability to do this. We’ll look at how these products work, where they fit in a portfolio and how to work in partnership with asset managers to develop a suitable strategy.

Moderated by Carlo Svaluto Moreolo

2:00 PM
Fund manager investment insights
Direct lending – The all-weather asset class

Direct lending has established itself as an attractive and crisis-resistant alternative to the banking and syndication credit markets to finance medium-sized businesses. We’ll explore how institutional investors may benefit from directly negotiated floating-rate senior loans, and why this asset class proved itself in times of high volatility.

Growth investing for a sustainable world: Seeking virtuous circles

Sustainable businesses leverage a powerful virtuous circle, where good drives growth and growth drives good. But what makes a circle like this a virtuous one? We introduce key characteristics and demonstrate how companies can make a difference not just through what they do, but by how they do it.

2:30 PM
Coffee break
2:50 PM
Examining the future of Iceland’s pensions pillars

Recognised by many as the best in the world, Iceland’s pensions system scores the hat trick of excellence across measures of adequacy, sustainability and integrity. But just as any football manager knows, last year’s scores don’t count for very long.  What are the potential challenges facing the nation’s pension system and how does it compare with other pensions both in the Nordic region and in the developed world?

3:20 PM
Closing keynote: Digital futures of work

What will the future of work look like and how will we work in the next 10 - 20 years?  A leading academic discusses his current research on digital futures of work, especially in terms of understanding the strategic choices in how new technologies are used to transform all aspects of work. What are the opportunities and implications behind the AI revolution? What are the limits of software automation and its impact on labour market? How can we shape a better future of work for all, rather than just the few?

Introduced by Carlo Svaluto Moreolo

4:00 PM
Drinks reception & networking