Harald Koch-Hagen
Senior Vice President Allocation & Risk, KLP   
Harald Koch-Hagen is Senior Vice President Allocation & Risk at KLP. KLP is a financial institution with a total balance sheet of approximately NOK 750 BN. Most of the funds are linked to the pension funds of Norwegian municipalities and health institutions. Koch-Hagen has the overall responsibility for the allocation and risk management of the pension funds, which includes, developing an investment strategy, determining the allocation, monitoring and managing overall risk. He has 30 years of experience from various positions within finance and asset management, including, Norges Bank, Orkla Finans, Storebrand and Nordea. Koch-Hagen has a master's degree in economics (Cand oecon) from the University of Oslo and additional training in finance (Certified European Financial Analyst) from the University of Bergen.
Harald Koch-Hagen