
Comprising six specialist categories, the IPE Transition Awards offer pension funds and other institutional investors the opportunity to measure the success of their transition and net zero strategies, collaborations and initiatives. 


Outstanding Contribution to Transition Management

This award is for an institution, individual, project, concept, intitiative or development that has made a outstanding contribution to transition management.


Leadership in Energy Transition
& Net Zero  

Transparency & Communication on Transition Strategies

This award is for asset owners that have integrated the energy transition across a wide range of asset classes and that display clear leadership in transition management and investments.

This award is about how an asset owner communicates and reports on its net zero goals and progress in its transition management strategy.

Stewardship Campaign & Strategy

This award is focussed on the strategy that pensions fund pursue in their approach to stewardship and how they use this to positively influence and shape the net zero and transition commitments of the companies that they invest in and the asset managers that they employ. The entry should display how the strategy is designed with clear targets and transparency in line with the pension funds' long-term net zero and overall objectives.

Private Markets Investments

Public Markets Investments

This award will celebrate an asset owner that can demonstrate leadership in energy transition-related investments and/or engagement in the private markets. This can include examples of influencing deal structures, adding value to assets etc.

This award will celebrate an asset owner that can demonstrate leadership in energy transition-related investments and/or engagement in the public markets.

DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES - Friday, May 9, 2025

(Categories and category names are subject to change)

Entry form 

We use a streamlined but sophisticated online entry system that is divided into five parts.

  1. The first is simply for the category and name of the entrant.
  2. The second collects fundamental data such as the size of your assets and performance figures.
  3. The third is a short text based area known as the Overview and Investment Strategy. This is a 350 - 450 optimum word count text area that asks you to provide a detailed summary of your institution's history, overall objectives and investment strategy. This is a mandatory response to provide the judges with key information about your institution. Bullet points are acceptable but please ensure they contain enough information to give the judges a solid understanding of your organisation.
  4. The fourth part is a longer text based area with an optimum range of 750 - 850 words for your regional entry and any themed awards you wish to take part in.
  5. The fifth is to upload your logo and any other supporting attachments such as graphs and performance tables.

Once the entries are submitted, we invite the judges to review them using the same online system. This involves a 20-point score matrix and follow-up debates, if need be, to declare the winner in each category.

Judges 2024

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