“Multi-faceted approach to sustainability, encompassing energy efficiency, carbon emissions reduction, stakeholder engagement and sustainable development,” judge’s comment



Overall AUM


Annual performance


With over 460,000 members, HOOPP is one of Canada’s largest pension plans. Real estate assets are critical to HOOPP’s investment strategy and represent 17% of HOOPP’s net assets.

Energy efficiency is one of the key ESG factors that is integrated into HOOPP’s real estate sustainability strategy as HOOPP believes that improving the energy performance of its assets not only contributes to climate mitigation, but also enhances the long-term value and resilience of its portfolio.

In 2021, HOOPP Real Estate committed to a 50% reduction of GHG emissions by 2030 compared to its 2019 baseline. Since then, the pension plan has reduced emissions by approximately 20,000 tonnes of CO2 since 2019, a nearly 20% reduction.

To ensure this target is met, HOOPP requires significant engagement with its third-party managers. Therefore, it has requested all managers complete its newly created custom tool that provides insight into which properties could demonstrate a credible plan to achieve the target and which required assistance.

HOOPP launched its LEAP Forward innovation competition in 2016, which encourages external managers to pitch innovative projects that improve sustainability performance and can be scaled across the portfolio. Since the launch, HOOPP has invested over CAD12m (€8.1m) to fund new innovations aimed at technological innovation, climate mitigation, community impact and greenhouse gas reductions.


➤ Implementation of initiatives to improve energy efficiency of 270 properties

➤ Target to reduce GHG emissions of all properties in the portfolio by 50% by 2030

➤ Investment of over CAD12m (€8.1m) to finance new innovations in climate mitigation




Overall AUM


Annual performance


The operational carbon intensity of Ivanhoé Cambridge’s directly owned portfolio has been reduced by more than 30% since 2017. This reduction has been achieved through its strategy to integrate ESG due diligence for all new acquisitions and ensure all financing strategies support its ESG objectives. Ivanhoé Cambridge’s “brown-to-green" investment strategy targets existing assets with the aim to refurbish them and reduce their carbon intensity.



Overall AUM


Annual performance


To achieve its goal of a carbon neutral real estate portfolio, Bouwinvest Real Estate Investors decreased the energy use of its real estate portfolio by 2% in 2023 by using its tailor-made Emission Measurement System and data provided by managers and partners. Four of Bouwinvest’s funds were awarded the maximum GRESB five-star rating and all other funds meet the EU SFDR classification as Article 8 ‘Green’ products.

Judged by

Sherena Hussain
Howard Morgan
Vincent van Bijleveld

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