"A well-developed, thoughtful and considerate UK investment strategy. There is a clear focus on benefit to society and improvement in life outcomes. This is to be applauded,” judge’s comment


United Kingdom

The real assets portfolio of the Church Commissioners for England makes up around one quarter of its overall investment assets with an approximate value of €2.9bn. This portfolio delivered an investment return of 9.5% during 2022, with a notable contribution from infrastructure investments, which delivered a return of 41%.

The Church Commissioners aim to support tangible, socially important assets that provide food, places of work, nature habitats, sustainable construction materials, homes and communities to those in need. They pursue four sustainability principles that guide their investments: long-term stewardship and long-term value, change with real impact, focus on key spheres of influence and expertise and initiatives with the biggest real-world results.

In 2023, the fund published “Our Approach to Sustainability for Real Assets", which outlined the strategic framework in approaching sustainability for its real assets portfolio, listed key challenges, estimated current emissions and gave examples of recent initiatives and next steps.

The Church Commissioners are the largest investor in the UK’s Social Supported Housing Fund (SoHo), which creates purpose-designed housing for people with lifetime care needs. SoHo is the largest private funder of this type of new build housing in the UK. Through their UK-based Strategic Land Portfolio, the Church Commissioners are currently delivering 30,000 new homes, 9,000 of which would be classed as affordable as defined by current UK planning policy.

The Church Commissioners published their Human Rights report in January 2024. This details how they will hold company management teams accountable to investor expectations regarding human rights. The Church Commissioners plan to further integrate human rights data into their voting and will work to create best practice around the use of human rights data in investor stewardship.


➤ Strategy based on four sustainability principles that guide investments

➤ Real assets exposure accounting for a quarter of overall assets

➤ Publication of human rights and sustainable developments in real assets reports



United Kingdom

Overall AUM


Greater Manchester Pension Fund’s (GMPF) portfolio is split between several components. The UK direct portfolio is a legacy vehicle of directly owned assets which is managed externally. The portfolio was restructured in 2021 and divided into two. The balanced portfolio currently invests in nine funds based on diversified strategies where the majority of return is via income distributions. The UK fund recognises the changing dynamic of the real estate market and relative attractions to alternative asset classes which can provide a long-term resilient income stream. The international programme began in 2015, with the objective to provide diversification and increase the available investible universe. Current investment is across 19 funds from 11 managers. The UK housing portfolio aligns well with GMPF’s aims to provide public funding support in an area of societal need, particularly by targeting affordable housing product.

Judged by

Théodore Economou
Matt Fletcher
John Forbes
Deborah Lloyd

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