"Santalucía's real estate strategy reflects a strong commitment to diversification and investment in high demand sectors,” judge’s comment



Overall AUM


Annual performance


Since Santa Lucía was founded, it has gained an extensive track record in real estate investment, acquiring office properties, hotels, residential properties, retail units, nursing homes, among others. Currently, it manages a property portfolio comprising some 280,000 square meters. The last valuation of the portfolio put it at €535m. This includes 20 income-producing assets, among others.

The property portfolio also features 75 retail units located across Spain that are focused on the insurance business. Furthermore, Santa Lucía holds positions worth €36m through companies to add additional international diversification to its real estate investments.

Santa Lucía’s real estate portfolio grew by around 20% in 2023 as it continues to focus on investment in liquid markets in other countries in which the investor capital and the interest of the vendors aligns.

The year 2023 was a landmark in Santa Lucía’s real estate activity. It started the year with the full refurbishment of a hotel that it owns in Madrid and obtained a license to change the use of one of its office buildings located in Jerez in southern Spain to tourist accommodation in a refurbishment aiming to create 23 holiday apartments.

Santa Lucía also closed two transactions in 2023 The first was in Paris on Rue Pyramides and the other in London in Golden Square. Both buildings are in favourable locations, let to single tenants and are BREEAM sustainability certified.

In the coming years, Santa Lucía plans to focus on sustainability by annually achieving BREEAM or LEED environmental certification for at least one the buildings in its portfolio. It will also seek to ensure that existing certified assets retain their ranking.

Santa Lucía will also focus on building, repositioning and redeveloping buildings to help address issues such as lack of land, shortage of residential supply or the need for a more sustainable and efficient real estate stock.


➤ Real estate portfolio growth of 20% in 2023 with portfolio valued at €535m

➤ Refurbishment of Madrid hotel and conversion of office units to tourist accommodation

➤International expansion with acquisitions in London and Paris




Overall AUM


Annual performance


UnipolSai Assicurazioni has committed to a 46.2% reduction by the end of 2030 in Scope 1 and 2 emissions linked to consumption of electricity, gas and other energy sources for all buildings over which the group has direct control. In 2022, it joined the Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance, committing to reducing the emissions of its investment portfolios to carbon net zero by 2050 and acting to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the engagement of investee companies. 



Overall AUM


Annual performance


Mapfre holds more than €10 billionin assets under management, investing in real assets and alternatives to provide stable and reliable cash flows through regular dividends. In 2021 Mapfre launched MAPFRE Energías Renovables I, a co-investment fund with Spanish leading renewables company Iberdrola. This fund initially invested in nine wind farms, with 295 MW of installed capacity. In 2023 it added 150 MW of photovoltaic capacity, incorporating three solar farms into the fund.  

Judged by

Maurizio Grilli
Pedro Pardo
Stephan Ryan
Tajana Štriga

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