"With solid operating fundamentals, ongoing innovation, and focus on long-term financial returns, APG is well placed to outperform peers in the coming years.”  judge’s comment



Overall AUM


Annual performance


Real estate constitutes 10% of the total APG portfolio, representing €51bn in assets. This is invested globally and in a diversified manner across sectors and investment type. The key objectives of its real estate investments are obtaining exposure to diversified real estate equity, achieving solid overall risk-adjusted returns and annually outperforming benchmarks through active management.

It believes that private and listed real estate is the same asset class, despite differing volatility metrics, and therefore the firm employs managers who can manage both investment types. This results in a fully multidisciplinary and diverse team of portfolio managers.

APG uses a top-down process for portfolio construction, investing with a clear vision of the five megatrends – continued urbanisation, demographic and social changes, technological advancement, the experience and sharing economy and climate change and resource scarcity – and how they will shape communities, societal structures and lifestyles.

Its real estate portfolio showed resilient performance due to its diversification across regions, sectors and risk styles. In September 2023, APG transformed its APG Tactical Real Estate Pool into the APG Global Developed Real Estate Responsible Investments Index Pool. The strategy was designed in-house by APG and targets global listed real estate investments with an ESG-CRREM aligned index as its benchmark.

While most traditional real estate sectors are set for further value corrections in 2024, APG said it is only positioning in the most stable ones and likewise in alternative sectors with best-in-class operating partners.

APG also considers ESG standards when making investment decisions and recently began introducing impact investing into its portfolio, including a new €5bn mandate from ABP, focused on the Netherlands and seeking both financial and societal returns.


➤ Top-down portfolio construction process based on five megatrends

➤ Restructure of tactical real estate pool into more ESG-focused framework in 2023

➤ Mix of listed and unlisted portfolios




Overall AUM


Annual performance


Bouwinvest Real Estate Investors (Bouwinvest) is the Netherlands' second-largest real estate investor, with €15.2bn in assets under management. It offers a mix of direct investment in the Netherlands and indirect investments internationally, both listed and unlisted. In 2023, Bouwinvest’s investment strategy yielded a stable performance with an overall positive income return of 2.7%. Over the course of the last 10 years, its open sector investment funds -- residential, retail, and office -- outperformed the MSCI Benchmark, which reflects the long-term resilience and success of its approach.



Overall AUM


Annual performance


Real estate is a core part of Stichting Bedrijfstakpensioenfonds Zorgverzekeraars (SBZ) portfolio and since 2008 the fund has worked to increase diversification, collaborated with third parties to build a customised benchmark for its portfolio and incorporated alternative assets such as student housing and health care. Its portfolio comprises 70% core real estate funds with low leverage, which provides a stable income profile while also allowing for exposure to riskier and potentially higher returning investments. The portfolio outperformed its benchmark in 2023. 

Judged by

Peter de Haas
Ulrikke Ekelund
Anna Olink
Bas van den IJssel

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