“A clear, longstanding commitment to implementing innovative DEI principles and advancing change within the investment industry,”  judge’s comment


United States

Overall AUM


Annual performance


CalSTERS believes that building teams and partnerships exhibiting diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) are essential in achieving its financial objectives, making it resilient in an ever-changing investment landscape. It also considers that strengthening and maintaining its diverse staff and culture gives it a competitive advantage in bringing more assets inhouse to reduce costs through fewer management fees and less carried interest. This momentum rests on three core pillars: internal investments branch, industry and portfolio company engagement and portfolio management.

The pension fund seeks to attract diverse professionals who will drive innovation.Of its 236 staff, 45% are female and 53% non-white. Its investment leaders are 50% female, 33% non-white and 50% baby boomer generation.

CalSTRS considers diversity is crucial to the long-term financial success of the companies it invests in. It promotes this by exercising shareholder voting rights and speaking directly to company executives and board members. On a wider scale, its sustainable investment and stewardship strategies unit influences global markets by steering changes in corporate board and workforce DEI – for instance, working with Congruent Ventures, a venture capital firm supporting early-stage sustainable technology companies. Moreover, it has a long history of outreach through various engagement forums, such as Beyond Talk, a multi-year workshop through which CalSTRS establishes direct relationships to exchange DEI initiatives within a diverse pool of external investment managers.

CalSTRS continues to evolve its emerging managers programmeinvesting nearly $5bn over the past 30 years over a range of asset classes. Recently, CalSTRS Real Estate and Belay Investment Group approved an investment with Primestor’s Urban Vision Fund. Primestor is a minority-owned and led emerging manager fostering local economic development in overlooked urban communities. It has created over 14,000 local construction and permanent jobs generating $1.3bn in annual local economic activity in underserved Latino and black communities.


➤ Strong belief that diversity, equity and inclusion are essential in achieving its financial objectives

➤Change in portfolio companies steered through shareholder votes and dialogue with executives

➤Industry-wide influence exerted through engagement forums and investing in emerging managers




Overall AUM


Annual performance


Employee well-being is a focus of Ivanhoé Cambridge’s DEI strategy. Its Montreal head office, which it owns, boasts a WELL Equity Rating, showing it is designed, operated and managed so employees can thrive. The company also promotes awareness of diversity by celebrating International Women’s Day, Black History Month and World Autism Awareness Day. More widely, it includes social impact-related criteria in its due diligence to evaluate its partners’ alignment with its own convictions, while several transactions with funds contain a DEI clause.



Overall AUM


AG2R La Mondiale is committed to combating discrimination based on sexual orientation, by signing the LGBT+ Charter, and to combatting sexism, by joining the #StOpE initiative in 2024. A campaign to eradicate sexist workplace behaviour included posters at the fund’s sites, dedicated training based on e-learning modules and an interactive game called the “sexism fresco”. Meanwhile, each year AG2R La Mondiale includes around 300 work-study students in its workforce, partnering with a recruitment agency specialising in the economic inclusion of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Judged by

Ulrikke Ekelund
Howard Morgan
Elisabeth Teo-Pennell

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