“Under Korfmacher's direction, WPV's real estate exposure has grown to become a bedrock of its stability and growth,” editor’s comment

Hans Wilhelm Korfmacher has been an influential figure on the German pensions landscape for over 30 years, not least as CEO of Versorgungswerk der Wirtschaftsprüfer und der vereidigten Buchprüfer (WPV) since 1993, a position he left in June 2024. At that time, the fund had just three employees and investment activities worth one million former German marks. Under his tutelage, however, the scheme has expanded to become a well-respected and innovative pension fund with some €5.5bn under management.

WPV has been investing in real estate for more than 15 years and has continuously. It adopted a strategy to increase the share of these investments as part of its overall assets during the decade or so of low interest rates, such that by the end of March 2024, its exposure to real estate accounted for 26.69% of its portfolio broken down globally as follows: 

  • 70.28% in Europe
  • 15.15% in North and Central America
  • 13.83% in Asia Pacific
  • 0.66% in South America
  • 0.08% in other regions

Its exposure is more or less wholly invested indirectly in real estate funds that are pooled in its domestic Spezialfonds – a key investment vehicle on the German pensions landscape – and internationally, including via partner companies for Dutch residential investments. Its sole direct holding is its office building in Düsseldorf. 

In 2022, guided by Korfmacher, WPV created an investment advisory offshoot, WPV Advisory & Asset Management, where he remains CEO. This acts as an internal asset manager and consultant, including real estate. With the creation of this 100% held subsidiary, the WPV group is now comprised of 62 professionals.

In addition, Korfmacher is also CEO of the Steuerberaterverein Nordrhein‐Westfalen, the North Rhine‐Westphalia Association of Tax Advisers, runs his own legal practice and is chair of the Club of Finance, a German network for financial services industry professionals. His expertise and leadership have significantly contributed to the growth and influence of the organisation within the finance community. 

Korfmacher completed his studies in law and business administration (BWL) at the university of Bielefeld, where he began his professional career immediately thereafter as an assistant teacher. He obtained his PhD and began practicing law in 1987. 


➤ CEO of German pension fund WPV for over 30 years

➤ Real estate exposure over 25% of overall WPV assets

➤ CEO and founder of WPV advisory and asset management arm sudsidiary

➤ Prominent figure as CEO and chair of various German pensions and financial networks and bodies

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Editor's choice

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