The IPE Expert Forum | Private Credit will take place at Waldorf Astoria Amsterdam

Thursday, September 19, 2024

2:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Registration and Coffee
3:00 PM - 3:05 PM
Chair’s Welcome
3:05 PM - 3:50 PM
Evaluating Private Credit Origination Models

Originating transactions is one of the most challenging aspects of the private credit market. Models range from private credit firms that source their own loans, to those who partner with banks and others who offer synthetic risk transactions as a way to share risk.  We will explore these origination models and others and seek to understand what different origination methods may ultimately mean for investors.  

3:50 PM - 4:10 PM
ESG Investing in Private Credit: Key Concepts and Case Studies

Presentation followed by Q&A

Providing an overview of various approaches to including ESG within a private credit portfolio, our expert covers the definition and implementation of ESG strategies, practical considerations for impact investing and the significance of managing ESG-related risk. Case studies explore different risk-management methodologies and illustrate key concepts.

4:10 PM - 4:30 PM
Close to Home but off the Beaten Track

Presentation followed by Q&A

Private credit investors who are willing to explore off the beaten track can find many robust and resilient small-mid cap businesses in Northern Europe. Will include examples – typically located in regional (rather than capital) cities – of creditworthy companies looking to fund expansion or other activities. Additional topics for discussion will include sustainability considerations for Dutch asset allocators, exploring the parts of the European private credit market that offer the best deals, and outlining the keys to successful risk-adjusted return generation. 

4:30 PM - 4:50 PM
European Direct Lending – Questions to Ask Potential GPs

Presentation followed by Q&A

As investors in a normalised interest rate environment come to appreciate the risk/return-adjusted attractions of direct lending they are increasingly seeking to understand the key issues that differentiate a successful GP from one that is less successful. Certain factors can be the difference between a GP that delivers on its marketed returns and one that does not.  What questions should investors post to GP’s in 2024 and beyond as they consider allocating to European direct lending?

4:50 PM - 5:15 PM
Fireside Chat - Potential Future Paths for Private Credit

It has become apparent that anticipated rate cuts for 2024 will not materialise and higher interest rates may persist well into 2025 and perhaps beyond. At the same time, increased competition in private credit may drive a trend to riskier lending. The day after a Fed rates announcement, we look at the potential directions of travel for the private credit market, exploring how investors and lenders can ensure they stay on the right side of the trade.

5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Seminar Wrap and Networking Drinks


Waldorf Astoria Amsterdam

Herengracht 542-556
Amsterdam NH 1017 CG