The Speakers
Independent Policy Adviser
Baroness Ros Altmann is the UK’s leading pensions expert, with over 35 years’ experience in all aspects of pensions.
Ros worked for many years as an institutional fund manager in the City, managing pension assets. She ran the international equities operation at Chase Manhattan Bank, London, was a Director at N.M. Rothschild International Asset Management and at NatWest.
After having her third child, she worked as an independent consultant for many years, advising Governments, the pensions industry and pension funds on policy and investment strategy. As well as advising on the investment and management of all types of pension schemes, she also focusses on the consumer perspective and helping pensioners or older citizens enjoy better later life income. She has campaigned for many years against pensions injustice and led a successful campaign to help 150,000 people receive compensation when their occupational pension schemes collapsed. She has won numerous awards, including Pensions Personality of the Year (twice) and Industry Guru of the Year.
Ros appears regularly in the media and writes and comments on economics, pensions, later life and consumer matters.
She has a Ph.D. in Economics from London School of Economics and was a Kennedy Scholar at Harvard University. She has been awarded two honorary doctorates for her work on pension investment from Westminster University Business School and Newcastle University. Ros was awarded a CBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours in 2014 for service to Pensioners and Pension Provision
From 2010 to 2013, she was Director General of over-50s specialists Saga, from 2014 to 2015 the UK Coalition Government appointed her as Business Champion for Older Workers, and she was then elevated to the House of Lords and became Minister of State for Pensions in the UK Government following the May 2015 General Election until July 2016.

Birmingham Law School, University of Birmingham
Barber Professor of Jurisprudence
After studying at the School of European Studies, University of Sussex, and the Institut d'Etudes Européennes, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Anthony Arnull qualified as a solicitor with a ‘magic circle’ firm in the City of London. He began his academic career in 1983 at the University of Leicester, where he was awarded his doctorate in 1988. From 1989 to 1992, Anthony Arnull worked at the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg as a référendaire in the chambers of Advocate General FG Jacobs. He was appointed Professor of European Law at the University of Birmingham in 1991 and took up his post there the following year. He became Barber Professor of Jurisprudence at Birmingham in 2008. Anthony Arnull’s publications include The European Union and its Court of Justice (Oxford University Press, 2nd ed, 2006); The Oxford Handbook of European Union Law (Oxford University Press, 2015, co-edited with Damian Chalmers); and European Union Law: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford University Press, 2017). Anthony Arnull served as Head of Birmingham Law School between 2006 and 2009. He is Consultant Editor of the European Law Review, having been its co-editor from 1996 to 2007. He has given evidence to a number of UK Parliamentary Select Committees and acted as Specialist Adviser to the House of Lords EU Committee.

Robert Bosch GmbH
Senior Expert
Ralph Windmueller has been a Director of the Corporate Department Pensions and Related Benefits of the Bosch-Group in Germany since 2001. In his role as General Manager he is coordinating all activities of the Bosch Pensionsfonds AG (BPF). He joined the Bosch-Group in 1990 and held various positions in Controlling, Accounting and Finance in Germany, Switzerland and the United Kingdom prior to his current position.
Ralph Windmueller was born in 1962 in Stuttgart and is married with two children. He studied Business Administration in Tübingen and graduated with a Master’s degree (Diplomkaufmann).

FTSE Russell
Director - EMEA Product Marketing
Rolf Agather is managing director of North America research for global index provider FTSE Russell, part of the London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG). Rolf joined LSEG in 2014 when it acquired Russell Investments. In his new role with FTSE Russell, Rolf is responsible for leading the team that creates new index concepts and publishes compelling research on capital markets, indexation and investment management.
Previously, Rolf was the managing director of research and innovation for the Russell Indexes division of Russell Investments. Rolf was instrumental in the creation of the Russell Global Indexes in 2007 and he continues to lead research and innovation in the growing field of index investing, including the development of the Russell Stability Index family and the Russell High Efficiency Factor Indexes. Rolf has been involved with the Russell Indexes in a number of roles during his career at Russell. He served as product manager from 1993 to 1995 and was the manager of the Russell index operations group from 1989 to 1991.
Prior to joining Russell, Rolf was vice president and director of the portfolio products business at FactSet Research systems in Greenwich, Connecticut. He was responsible for the development of FactSet’s entire suite of portfolio management products, including the portfolio analysis and SPAR (style, performance, and risk) application.

Lazard Asset Management
Marketing Director

Baillie Gifford
Client Service Director
Andrew is a Client Service Director with responsibility for Japanese equity clients. Andrew maintains a close relationship with the Japanese investment team and conducts regular stock research and investment trips to Japan, as part of his specialist client service role. Prior to joining Baillie Gifford in 2007 Andrew held roles at Scottish Widows Investment Partnership and Ernst & Young. He graduated from Durham University with BA (Hons) in History and Politics in 1998 and is a holder of the UK Securities Institute Diploma.

Old Mutual Global Investors
Lead Portfolio Manager
Leif joined Old Mutual in 2005. He is the lead portfolio manager of the Old Mutual Style Premia Absolute Return Fund. Prior to joining the alternatives team he co-managed the Global Statistical Arbitrage Fund. Previously, Leif was a portfolio manager in the quantitative strategies group where he co-managed a range of systematic global equity market neutral and long-only funds. In this role he was involved in a number of key successful product launches including the Old Mutual Global Equity Absolute Return Fund, the team’s first market neutral UCITS fund, and a European 130-30 fund. Leif has a BSc in computer science from Royal Holloway College, University of London, and is a CFA charterholder.

Cambridge Colleges Pension Fund
Head of Strategic Development for Pensions
Robin is a solicitor with law firm Pinsent Masons and founder of a number of companies, including Perspective, the electronic pensions information system, and the London & Colonial insurance group. He also is a trustee of several pension funds, (including Really Useful Theatres and Carillion) and is a commercial mediator.
He is the author of a number of books including Pensions Law and Practice, the standard legal text, and Pension Fund Investment Law. He is currently working on a study of regulation called Red Tape for Cambridge University Press to be published later this year.
He is Visiting Professor in Pensions Law and Economics at Cass Business School and is a former Chairman of the National Association of Pension Funds (now PALSA).

University of Turin
Elsa Fornero holds the Chair of Economics at the University of Turin, as well as academic positions as Scientific Coordinator at CeRP (the Center for Research on Pensions and Welfare Policies, which she founded in 1999), Honorary Senior Fellow of the Collegio Carlo Alberto, Vice-President of Share-Eric (Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe), Research Fellow at Netspar, and Policy Fellow at the IZA Institute for the Study of Labour. She is also a member of the Scientific Council of the Observatoire de l'Epargne Européenne, the Advisory Group of the New Pact for Europe and the Research Committee of the OECD International Network on Financial Education.
From November 2011 to April 2013 she served as Minister of Labour, Social Policies and Equal Opportunities in Italy’s “technocratic” government, in which capacity she conceived and drafted the pension and labour market reforms that, by altering the medium and long term structure of Italian public finance and labour regulation, were fundamental to the EU’s subsequent lifting of its excessive deficit procedure against Italy and to the long term rebalancing of economic relations between generations, from youth to middle age.
Fornero is also the author of many publications on public and private pension systems, pension reforms, population ageing, household saving, retirement choices and life insurance.

Borsa Italiana
Head of Asset Owners and ESG Investing

Baillie Gifford
Director, Corporate Governance
Marianne graduated BSc (Hons) in Environmental Science from Aberdeen University in 1996 and has an MBA from the University of Edinburgh 2002. Her first job after leaving Aberdeen was offshore carrying out environmental and geological survey work. She joined Baillie Gifford in March 2004 and is a Director in the Corporate Governance team.

Senior Consultant RI
Aled is a Principal in Mercer’s Responsible Investment team, based in London. Aled is responsible for providing clients with advice on formulating and implementing RI strategy and policies and integrating RI considerations into manager selection and monitoring. He also conducts specialist research on environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) issues.
Aled joined Mercer from the in-house investment team at the London Pension Fund Authority where he was responsible for the Fund’s RI strategy. Prior to this he worked at the UK’s Pension Protection Fund. Aled has also served on the board of the UK’s Sustainable Investment and Finance Association and the Executive Committee of the Local Authority Pension Fund Forum.
Aled holds an MSc in Environmental Science from the University of Lund, Sweden, and the CISI Diploma from the Chartered Institute of Securities and Investment.

Affirmative Investment Management
Co-Founder and CEO
Stuart has over 25 years in the fund management business having held the position of CIO and CEO at different periods during this time at Nikko Asset Management Europe. An experienced investment professional who has advised and worked with some of the oldest and largest sovereign wealth funds, global supra-national pension funds and foundations.
Stuart developed the concept and created the world’s first green bond fund in 2010 in close conjunction with the World Bank during his time as CIO at Nikko Asset Management Europe. Stuart has become a vocal advocate for channelling and mobilising more of the world’s capital in a positive and sustainable way through mainstream investing.
Stuart gained a First Class Honours BSc Economics degree from the London School of Economics

Willis Towers Watson
Senior Consultant
Alfred Kool (1956) holds the position of strategic communication advisor at Willis Towers Watson since 2011. Prior to that he was partner at Kool, Baas & De Quelerij, a consultancy for strategic communication advice. Willis Towers Watson acquired the activities and the team of KBDQ. Throughout the years, Alfred advised and assisted numerous pension funds, administrators and other pension related organisations in the field of communication, governance and strategy development. He has been engaged in various communication-roles since 1985, including the position of Director of Corporate Communication at PGGM. He acquired a thorough knowledge of the financial sector, both from an asset and from a liability perspective.
Alfred Kool was lecturer at the universities of Nijmegen, The Hague and Nyenrode, and currently shares his knowledge at the Willis Towers Watson Academy. Next to that he is board member of the association of pension specialists (KPS: Kring van Pensioenspecialisten), member of the editorial staff of PBM (Pensioen Bestuur & Management), and initiator of the yearly PBM-Communication Awards.
He publishes and presents on communication and governance-topics frequently.

Contributing Editor
Joseph Mariathasan is a Contributing Editor at Investments & Pensions Europe with a monthly investment column. He is also a Partner of Pangaea Finance Partners, which focuses on cross-border investment activities with Chinese institutions. In 2018, He became an advisory board member with Moneyhub, a UK fintech firm. In 2019, he joined the board of GIST Advisory, which provides services enabling organisations to discover, measure, value and manage impacts on natural, social and human capital. Mariathasan has extensive knowledge of risk management, ESG and impact investing issues, asset allocation, derivatives, treasury, fixed interest, listed equity, commodities and private equity fund management. He has a first degree and a doctorate in physics from Oxford University and has obtained a number of professional qualifications, including membership of The London Stock Exchange and Membership of the Association of Corporate Treasurers.

Royal Mail Pension Trustees Limited
Ian is the CIO of Royal Mail Pension Trustees Limited and having overseen their 2012 asset transfer
to Government, he currently oversees investments totalling c.£10 billion across 3 pension plans.
He was previously an investment consultant for over 10 years variously with Watson Wyatt (now Towers Watson), LCP, KPMG and Morgan Stanley.
He read Mathematics at the University of Warwick.

IPE International Publishers
News & Editor
Nick Reeve joined IPE in November 2016 as deputy news editor, taking full charge of the online news team in January this year. He has written for a number of pensions and investment titles, most recently as European editor of a US institutional investment magazine. He previously worked for number of trade magazines published by the Financial Times.

Executive Director
Olivier Rousseau was appointed as executive director of the FRR in November 2011. He also chairs the asset manager selection committee. In 1986 he joined the French Treasury in Paris where he held various positions (deputy head of division, head of division). He worked 11 years for BNP Paribas in international banking and finance in Paris, Tokyo, London, Singapore, Hong Kong and Sydney. He also served on the resident Board of directors of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in London and as regional economic counsellor at the French embassy in Stockholm. Olivier Rousseau graduated from the French National School of Administration (ENA) in 1986. He also holds a degree in political sciences and master degrees in law and economics from the University of Aix-en-Provence.

TIAS School for Business and Society
Alfred Slager is professor of Pension Fund Management at TIAS School for Business and Society since September 2011. His research and publications focus on the investment management and governance of institutional investors, in particular pension funds. Alfred Slager is also trustee at SPH, the Dutch pension fund for General Practitioners (SPH), and serves on several investment committees and supervisory boards of pension funds. Since 2013, Alfred Slager is also the chairman of the Dutch Financial Analyst Society (VBA).
Between 2011 and 2014, Alfred Slager was also director of CentER Applied Research at Tilburg University, responsible for applied research projects. In 2009-2010, he was Chief Investment Officer at Stork Pension Fund. Between 2000 and 2008, Alfred Slager worked as investment strategist, project manager and policy advisor for PGGM Investments, the Dutch pension fund for the healthcare sector. Prior to PGGM, Alfred Slager worked at Fortis Investments as investment manager between 1995 and 2000.

Deputy Editor
Carlo joined IPE as full-time writer in 2014. He covers a range of topics in the institutional investment world, including investment strategy and trends in financial markets, regulation and the global economy. He has interviewed many senior figures in leading European pension funds. Prior to joining IPE full-time, he reported on Italian pension funds in a freelance capacity. Carlo has worked a financial journalist for 10 years, working for publications such as Shares Magazine and Infrastructure Journal as well as IPE. He holds an MA in International Journalism from City University, London and an MSc in Political Economy of Development from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS).
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