Damien Webb
Head of International, Deputy Chief Investment Officer, Aware Super
Damien Webb is Deputy Chief Investment Officer and Head of International for Aware Super. Aware Super is one of Australia’s top performing super funds managing A$150 billion on behalf of its 1.1 million members. Webb oversees the fund’s international expansion strategy which aims to originate a UK, European and Global deal flow for the global portfolio’s projected A$250 billion FUM milestone. He leads a team of 18 who have an initial focus on international property, infrastructure and private equity assets. He has over 25 years’ experience in funds management and joined Aware Super as Head of the Real Assets team in January 2014. He previously worked at Perpetual Investments and ING Investment Management. Webb received a Bachelor of Economics degree from Sydney University and is an Associate of the Securities Institute of Australia having completed his Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment. He has a master’s in applied finance from Macquarie University.