Categories category names are subject to change


Global Real Estate Investor of the Year
Outstanding Industry Contribution
Sustainable Investor of the Year NEW
Innovation NEW
Commitment to Diversity

GUIDANCE Click category name to view guidance

This is a platinum level award focusing on your overall approach to and implementation of sustainability. You should focus on how the different facets of your sustainable policy, such as environmental impact, green building ambitions, energy efficiency, use of natural resources, net zero emissions strategy and social impact are grouped and driven by your overall general sustainable approach in your real estate portfolio.

For the Innovation award, the judges will look for clear evidence and outline of an initiative, investment strategy, concept, development or other factor within your real estate investment portfolio that is innovative, impactful, novel, influential and potentially industry-leading or changing.

Diversity and inclusion are increasingly topical and many institutional investors are now developing policies and strategies to address diversity and inclusion both internally and externally. For this award, the judges would be keen to see evidence of at least one of the following:

  • commitment to improving diversity and inclusion within your own organisation
  • achievements in improving diversity and inclusion within pensions, asset management and financial services generally
  • accomplishments and commitment to diversity and inclusion within corporate governance
  • industry level contribution on any level in raising awareness of diversity and inclusion issues

Your entry should relate to at least one key diversity and inclusion area, including::

  • ethnicity
  • gender equality
  • age
  • sexual orientation
  • able-bodiedness


Please note that you do not prepare entries directly for the Large Real Estate Investor of the Year, Medium Real Estate Investor of the Year and Small Real Estate Investor of the Year (click here to view rules)

Large Real Estate Investor of the Year ¹
Medium Real Estate Investor of the Year ²
Small Real Estate Investor of the Year ³
Investment Consultancy of the Year
Portfolio Construction
Young Investor Professional of the Year

GUIDANCE Click category name to view guidance

The strongest entries in this category are structured by outlining your general approach to advising your clients, supported by at least three case studies from the past year to 18 months.

You should consider including:

  • why the client needed or sought a particular course of investment
  • how you analysed their needs and then the market accordingly
  • how your advice led to a structured solution
  • any success following a course of action based on your advice, including how this was measured and assessed
  • the cost-effectiveness of your input
  • the overall value you added

For this award, you should present a more holistic view of your real estate portfolios and how you construct them in relation to your overall long-term objective and risk return profile. Many institutional investors will run a variety of strategies and approaches in their real assets portfolios as a means of diversifying and balancing risk.

For this award, you should ideally therefore endeavour to cover:

  • your overall real estate risk budget
  • how you implement different strategies
  • how you develop partnerships
  • how the different strategies and investment approaches interact and balance each other out at both portfolio and overall levels
  • the way you construct your mandates within certain regulations and restrictions
  • how you research and analyse the potential benefits or impact of new sectors and investments
  • how you measure the overall success of your real estate portfolios

This gold level award is designed to recognise the commitment and leadership shown by younger professionals in the institutional real estate investment sector. Key drivers for this award are:

  • They must be under 35
  • They must be working at an institutional investor organisation, such as a pension fund. Roles such as trustees are also eligible
  • They must be working on or contribute/have contributed to a recent concept, development, innovation, initiative, strategy etc that would qualify their nomination

Silver regional

Asia Pacific
Austria, Germany & Switzerland
Belgium & France
Nordic Countries
North America
Southern Europe
UK & Ireland


For each regional award, the judges are looking for the leading real estate investor from that region. The regional awards are not confined to your investments in that country or region but are designed to create a peer-led benchmark for institutional investors from a certain country or region where they have their origins.

Your regional entry should ideally be a general review of your recent real estate activity and importantly how it fits in with your long-term institutional objectives. Including details of any deals you have concluded will strongly enhance your case. This may be a summary of your major deals in the period under review across all sectors and strategies. It may focus on a specific change in your real estate approach that is designed to enhance your overall real estate portfolios and risk management.

You should ideally include any regulatory restraints you operate under nationally to help the judges understand why you chose a specific course of action or type of strategy and why you may be limited in the real estate sectors, investment styles and asset types open to you. This will permit them to review your regional entry more objectively.

Although the review period is generally 12-18 months, IPE Real Estate acknowledges that some real estate propositions and developments may require a longer time period before you can assess their success, so we are flexible on timeframes but you should give an update of any project or development you may have included in previous entries.

Silver Themed

Alternatives Strategy
Biodiversity NEW
Core and Core-plus Strategies
Debt Strategy
Direct Strategy
Environmental Sustainability
Indirect Strategy
Investment in Asia Pacific
Investment in Europe
Investment in Nordic Region
Investment in North America
Listed Strategy
Social Impact
Value-add and Opportunistic Strategies

GUIDANCE Click category name to view guidance

This award looks at the increasingly prominent role played by more specialist markets and niche sectors, such as student housing and care homes. You should explain how investing in niche assets supports your long-term objectives and risk return profile.

You should ideally include as many of the following points as possible:

  • document clearly the benefits of including to so-called alternative sectors
  • any restrictions either at institutional or regulatory level
  • include examples of your portfolio, especially deals and activity
  • any minimum or maximum investment value
  • the types and sectors you prefer
  • how you gain exposure
  • who manages your investments financially and operationally
  • outline how you manage the risks direct investments incur
  • how you measure or propose to measure your outcomes and judge if successful
  • provide figures or other data to demonstrate how you have achieved or are achieving your objectives

The real estate sector has a large impact on biodiversity, for example, by overexploiting resources, taking the natural habitat of species, and emitting pollutants through construction and building operations. Biodiversity protection and the impact of the built environment on biodiversity loss are therefore increasingly important factors institutional real estate investment strategies and additionally they relate to climate risk management. For this award, the judges will be keen to see:

  • Your approach to biodiversity in your real estate investment decisions
  • Any specific mandates devoted to protecting and restoring biodiversity loss and how these are constructed and managed
  • How biodiversity complements and enhances your sustainable real estate policy and overall investment strategy
  • How biodiversity considerations in your real estate strategy contributes to your achieving your net zero emission goals
  • The risks and opportunities associated with incorporating biodiversity in your real estate strategy
  • How your approach to biodiversity in your real estate investments supports nature-based initiatives and complies with national and international regulations and guidelines

For this category, you will need to explain what differentiates your core + from a core strategy, if you run both, how your strategy is composed, its objectives including time horizons, how you implement it, what measures you judge success by and figures/data to show outcomes to date. You should also explain how you construct your mandates and who runs them.

A core strategy is based on stable income producing properties and markets and is attractive to institutional investors looking for safe and reliable returns. Core strategies are additionally considered a means of diversification for long-term investors and your entry should begin by establishing why you chose to invest in core properties and its role in your overall risk adjusted returns.

Core + strategies target properties that offer the same secure characteristics as core assets but offer extra investment potential, to increase their net operating income such as renegotiating upcoming lease rates and tenancy rents.

More explicitly, for both core and core +, the judges will ideally look for strategies targeting properties with/in:

  • credit quality tenants
  • long-term leases
  • stable locations
  • primary and secondary markets
  • secure and reliable return characteristics
  • diversification benefits

The concept of institutional investors providing finance is growing fast and real estate is one of the key asset classes where they can back projects and developments with long-term benefits that match their long-term risk reward expectations and liabilities. You should therefore explain the role debt plays in your overall investment strategy, including the risk it carries and how you manage it.

Debt is a generic term and there are many different types of real estate debt available to institutional investors, including:

  • mortgages
  • loans to finance development and/or renovation projects
  • mezzanine debt
  • senior debt

You should outline the types of debt you invest in and why you chose those types. You should also include details about how you construct your relevant mandates and who manages them. You should also highlight any restrictions either at institutional or regulatory level.

Although the concept behind direct real estate investments is relatively straightforward, the judges will be keen to see how you research and invest in target assets and who manages them both financially and operationally.

You should:

  • document clearly the benefits of running a direct portfolio
  • any restrictions either at institutional or regulatory level
  • include examples of your portfolio, especially deals and activity
  • any minimum or maximum investment value
  • the types and sectors you prefer
  • sourcing and building relationships with partners
  • explain how a direct strategy supports your long-term objectives
  • outline how you manage the risks direct investments incur

This focuses on the energy efficiency of the buildings you invest in and own, including your net-zero strategy, carbon-emissions reductions, retrofitting, sustainable construction and climate risk management. This can also focus on resources (e.g. water) management, pollution and approaches to biodiversity.

An indirect strategy can be described simply as a means of gaining exposure to real estate via unlisted funds and other pooled or mutual investment vehicles. Your entry should provide full details of your indirect strategy, how you construct your mandates and who manages them.

Explicitly, the judges will be keen to know:

  • why you prefer to invest indirectly
  • any restrictions either at institutional or regulatory level
  • examples of your portfolio, especially recent deals and activity
  • the types and sectors you prefer
  • any minimum or maximum investment value
  • explain how an indirect strategy supports your long-term objectives
  • outline how you manage the risks indirect investments incur

With Asia Pacific considered a region of significant growth for real estate investors, especially markets such as China and Australia, this award will be judged on how your investments in this area complement your investments in other regions and support your overall long-term value objectives.

Examples of deals are essential and you should also include the following:

  • the benefits of investing in Asia Pacific
  • any restrictions either at institutional or regulatory level
  • examples of your portfolio, especially recent deals and activity
  • the types and sectors you prefer
  • your vision for its future role
  • the mandates and types of vehicles used to obtain exposure
  • the risks posed by investing in Asia Pacific and how you manage them

Europe offers institutional investors a wealth of dynamic opportunities in various sectors and individual markets at different stages of the economic cycle. This category seeks to reward and measure how you optimise your European portfolios in relation to your investments in other regions and how these support your overall long-term value objectives and risk return profile.

Examples of deals are essential and you should also include the following:

  • the benefits of investing in Europe
  • any restrictions either at institutional or regulatory level
  • examples of your portfolio, especially recent deals and activity
  • the types and sectors you prefer
  • the mandates and types of vehicles used to obtain exposure
  • the risks posed by investing in Europe and how you manage them

 This category seeks to reward and measure how you optimise your Nordic region portfolios in relation to your investments in other regions and how these support your overall long-term value objectives and risk return profile.

Examples of deals are essential and you should also include the following:

  • the benefits of investing in the Nordic region 
  • any restrictions either at institutional or regulatory level
  • examples of your portfolio, especially recent deals and activity
  • the types and sectors you prefer
  • the mandates and types of vehicles used to obtain exposure
  • the risks posed by investing in the Nordic region and how you manage them

As with Europe, Canada and the US offer a wealth of dynamic opportunities in various sectors and individual markets at different stages of the economic cycle. This category seeks to reward and measure how you optimise your North American portfolios in relation to your investments in other regions and how these support your overall long-term value objectives and risk return profile.

Examples of deals are essential and you should also include the following:

  • the benefits of investing in North America
  • any restrictions either at institutional or regulatory level
  • examples of your portfolio, especially recent deals and activity
  • the types and sectors you prefer
  • the mandates and types of vehicles used to obtain exposure
  • the risks posed by investing in North America and how you manage them

Exposure to real estate using a listed strategy typically includes buying shares in property companies and investment vehicles such as REITs that are listed on stock exchanges and are therefore publicly tradable.

As with the direct and indirect strategies, you should first point out why you have developed a listed strategy as part of your real estate portfolio and how this supports your overall long-term objectives and risk return profile. Your entry should provide full details how you construct your mandates and who manages them.

Explicitly, you should also include:

  • the reasons for the level of your commitment
  • any restrictions either at institutional or regulatory level
  • examples of your portfolio, especially recent deals and activity
  • the types and sectors you prefer
  • the costs of investing and running listed mandates
  • the mandates and types of vehicles used to obtain exposure
  •  the risks listed investments incur and how you manage them

This award focuses on your strategies to set and measure social impact objectives alongside financial returns, such as through investing in affordable housing and supporting local communities.

Your entry in this category can focus on either your value-add or opportunistic strategy or it could be a summary of each or how you combine both to complement your core strategies. 

A typical definition of a value-add approach is investments in properties that are acquired at a favourable price with the potential to increase value by redevelopment or restoration.

This category highlights how adopting a value-add strategy is appropriate to your long-term objectives and risk return profile. You should show how increasing the value of long-term commercial investments in properties with high vacancy rates that also often require some restoration or redevelopments poses no undue risk. Your entry should provide full details how you construct your mandates and who manages them.

Explicitly, you should consider including:

  • the benefits of investing in a value-added strategy
  • how you research and invest in potential assets
  • who manages your assets both financially and operationally
  • any restrictions either at institutional or regulatory level
  • examples of your portfolio, especially recent deals and activity
  • the types and sectors you prefer
  • the costs of investing and running value added mandates
  • the mandates and types of vehicles used to obtain exposure
  • the risks value-added poses and how you manage them

Other than outlining your more short-term buying and selling skills to benefit from properties that are undervalued, distressed and/or under-managed, you should explain why and how adopting an opportunistic approach complements your long-term objectives and risk return profile. Your entry should provide full details how you construct your mandates and who manages them.

Explicitly, you should also include:

  • the reasons for the level of your commitment
  • any restrictions either at institutional or regulatory level
  • examples of your portfolio, especially recent deals and activity
  • the types and sectors you prefer
  • the costs of investing and running opportunistic mandates
  • the mandates and types of vehicles used to obtain exposure
  • the risks opportunistic investments incur and how you manage them


(1) Real estate assets over €1bn
(2) Real estate assets between €500m - €1bn
(3) Real estate assets up to €500m

For further guidance or information, please contact: 
Alice O'Brien 
Awards & Events Manager
+44 7827 157336