Place-based investing – Harnessing institutional capital for regional growth
As economies and communities evolve, the Impact Investor Forum explores how institutional capital can be a catalyst for growth, resilience, and social progress at a local and regional level. Delve into the trends shaping place-based investing, from net-zero efforts, affordable housing and healthcare, to climate resilience and inclusive growth. Hear from leading voices and practitioners in the field about the impact of policy, innovation and the main drivers of growth.

Join us as we look at successful collaborations and case studies, provide actionable insights, and discuss some of the biggest opportunities and challenges ahead for making an impact with place-based investing.

15 May 2025

View last year's programme here.

Programme Setup

14:00 Welcome and Networking
Paula Garrido - Co-editor, Impact Investor

14:35 Keynote: Non-sponsored Speaker

15:00 Sponsored Keynote: Presented by your speaker

15:20 Keynote: Non-sponsored Speaker

15:45 Sponsored keynote: Presented by your speaker

16:05 Panel: Your speaker as a member of the panel 

16:40 Closing and networking drinks: Opening toast by sponsor




15-minute presentation, plus 5 minutes Q&A

Conference Access

2 delegate passes

Logo Loop

Your logo visible on a side screen in a logo-loop on stage throughout the conference




Panellist on a 30-minute panel, includes 5 minutes of Q&A (multiple sponsor slots per panel)

Conference Access

2 delegate passes

Logo Loop

Your logo visible on a side screen in a logo-loop on stage throughout the conference




Branding of networking area as agreed with Impact Investor (e.g. bar/aprons) + opening toast by sponsor delegate
(cost & production of branding material not included in package)

Conference Access

2 delegate passes

Logo Loop

Your logo visible on a side screen in a logo-loop on stage throughout the conference

Dedicated Event Website

Including logos and links

Online Campaign

To targeted institutional investors to promote conference attendance

Brand Awareness

Both our online campaign & sponsor presence at the event deliver extensive brand awareness for sponsors

Delegate Lists

Access to delegate lists subject to GDPR

Quality Attendees

Impact Investor delivers senior executives from institutional investors and other key players in the impact investing sector at the event


Emails sent throughout the campaign focusing on key event deadlines

Sales Manager
Stuart Blake

Mobile: +44 7855 186 692
