Diversification, Sustainability & Resilience 

Harpa, Reykjavik

Thursday, 03 October 2019

IPE In Iceland is a forum dedicated to senior Icelandic pension fund investors.
Informative, Iceland-specific and free to attend for qualified pension funds, this unique one-day forum brings together Iceland’s investment decision makers with asset manager specialists, European pension fund peers, chief economists and key local stakeholders.
Researched in collaboration with Iceland’s pension funds the 2019 forum examined global diversification opportunities
in the post-capital controls environment.

Speakers addressed macroeconomic and geopolitical drivers, emerging technologies, foreign market conditions, alternative investment outlooks, currency management strategies, ESG approaches and strategic asset allocation.

Pension funds that have previously attended

Almenni lífeyrissjóðurinn
Arion banki
Birta lífeyrissjóður
Brú lífeyrissjóður 
Church of England Pensions Board
EFÍA - Eftirlaunasjóður FÍA
Festa lífeyrissjóður
Frjálsi lífeyrissjóðurinn
Industriens Pension
Íslenski lífeyrissjóðurinn
Jöklar-Verðbréf hf 
Lifsverk Lifeyrissjóöur
Lífeyrissjóður bankamanna
LSR - Lífeyrissjóður starfsmanna ríkisins
LV - Lífeyrissjóður verzlunarmanna
LSBÍ - Lífeyrissjóðs starfsmanna Búnaðarbanka Íslands
Söfnunarsjóður lífeyrisréttinda
Stapi Lifeyrissjóöur

Pension fund feedback from IPE’s bespoke events

Church of England Pensions Board
Frjálsi Pension Fund
SPF Beheer
Very valuable insights into dealing with investment issues for smaller to medium schemes
“I really liked the fund case study. Good to hear from a pension fund directly on how they are implementing strategies”
"Good sessions -
open, interactive and qualitative input from a lot of professionals”