Honorary Commendations 2017
Michael Bruhn
Michael Bruhn is educated as a chartered accountant and holds an MSc. (econ) from Copenhagen Business School. He has held various positions in the real estate industry and was a senior partner in DTZ before joining Valad as Head of Nordics. In 2013 he moved after nine years with Valad to the position as CEO of PFA Real Estate – the real estate arm of Denmark’s largest private pension fund, PFA Pension.
Philip Charls
Philip Charls started out his career as a lawyer specialising in European Competition Law. Moving to ING for almost 25 years working on both sides of the Atlantic in the most senior management roles, his experience took him to the Brussels-based Dutch Chamber of Commerce for Belgium and Luxembourg as General Manager. He then joined the European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA) as CEO in September 2007, a post he held until March 2017, before taking on his current postion as chairman of its Hong Kong branch..
With more than 200 active members, EPRA is the voice of the European publicly traded real estate sector. Based in Brussels, its members include Europe’s leading property companies, investors and consultants that together manage more than €250 billion in real estate assets and its remit is to promote and support investment in listed real estate companies in Europe.
In addtion to his role at EPRA, Charls is also an adviser to a number of European real estate companies.
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