Who can attend
- Corporate pension funds and group retirement plans
- Industry-wide multi-employer pension funds
- Life insurance and pensions insurance companies
- Professional multi-employer pension funds
- Public sector pension funds
- Sovereign reserve and buffer funds
- National first pillar and pay-as-you-go pension funds
- Pension fund investment consultants
- Sponsors
- Sponsors' guests
Why attend
Networking Meet over 300 senior pension fund executives attending from across Europe
The Conference The sessions provide in-depth analysis of the most topical issues and the opportunity for pension funds to discuss the issues with their peers
Exhibition Opportunity to network with peers and to meet industry experts sponsoring the event
The Awards The Awards set the industry benchmark for excellence in the management of Europe’s pension funds. The winners are revealed during the Awards Dinner & Ceremony on 02 December
Who qualifies for a subsidised place?
IPE guarantees a place for two senior executives from pension funds and similar pensions providers that submit an entry or set of entries in the IPE European Pension Fund Awards.
IPE offers subsidised places on a first come first served basis to pension funds and similar pensions providers that do not enter but attend the IPE Conference & Awards (places are limited, so please register early).
What does a subsidised place comprise?
IPE offers free accommodation at one of the official hotels on the evening of Tuesday 03 December 20241.
IPE partners with a dedicated travel platform to help you book and pay for your flight or train to and from the IPE Conference & Awards 2024 reference version in Prague1.
1. Subject to terms and conditions
Travelling to the IPE Conference & Awards 2024 reference version
Welcome to IPE’s new travel arrangements process. This has been introduced to enable IPE to streamline the booking and payment system for your trips, removing the need for you to pay in advance and seek reimbursement using lengthy forms and uploads post-event. It also allows us to monitor and mitigate better the carbon footprint of our events. The new process will offer you the best travel options based on our policy and terms and conditions. The terms and conditions will apply to all relevant IPE events and we will only approve payment for travel arrangements that are made accordingly.
Attending terms and conditions
'Attendee' is defined as: a natural person who participates in an Event organised or partly organised by FD Mediagroep, other than as a Sponsor or employee of FD Mediagroep;
'Event' here means: a physical or virtual meeting (co-)organised by FD Mediagroep in which Attendees can also participate.
Article 1. Access
1. FD Mediagroep reserves the right to deny an Attendee access to an Event (co-)organised by FD Mediagroep.
2. FD Mediagroep reserves the right to remove displays from the Event which, in the opinion of FD Mediagroep, are detrimental to the interests of FD Mediagroep or Sponsors of the Event.
Article 2. Compensation
1. FD Mediagroep will not provide the Attendee with any other compensation for costs incurred by or for him in relation to the visit to the Event than those agreed in advance in writing.
Article 3. Liability
1. FD Mediagroep is not liable for damage that an Attendee suffers as a result of visiting an Event that FD Mediagroep (co-)organises, unless the damage is caused by intent or deliberate recklessness on the part of FD Mediagroep.
2. FD Mediagroep is not responsible for any damage, in whatever form, that an Attendee suffers as a result of changes or cancellations of travel and/or accommodation facilities in connection with the visit to the Event insofar as these are provided by third parties and FD Mediagroep has no influence on this.
Article 4. Personal data
1. Unless the Attendee explicitly indicates otherwise in advance, personal data that the Attendee provides to FD Mediagroep in connection with the Event may be used freely by FD Mediagroep and may also be provided to third parties, including sponsors of the Event.
2. Image and sound recordings are generally made during Events. Unless the Attendee explicitly indicates otherwise in advance, the Attendee agrees in advance that he will be recorded in those recordings and will not object to any use and/or distribution and/or publication of those recordings by FD Mediagroep.