Christina Boeck
Partner, INDEFI
Christina Böck is a partner at Indefi. She is based in Zurich and is responsible for business development in the DACH region. Böck has more than 25 years of experience working at investment managers and deploying capital on behalf of institutional investors. She was previously CIO at Profond Vorsorgeeinrichtung, a major Swiss collective pension fund. Böck was OCIO and strategic advisor at AXA Investment Managers Switzerland. She was OCIO and strategic advisor for Swiss and German institutional clients following her initial role as head of the global bond team. Böck began her career as an international bond portfolio manager in France with AGF/Allianz/PIMCO and BIP/Dresdner. She is a regular speaker at industry events in Switzerland and Germany. She is a frequent writer on topics pertaining to the investment management industry. Böck lectures on investment management for pension funds at the Kalaidos School in Switzerland. She graduated from HEC Paris with a master’s in business management, specializing in Finance and holds the degree of Diplom-Kauffrau (master) of the University of Münster, Germany. She is fluent in German, French and English.