Sofia Bartholdy
Responsible Investment Integration Director, Church Commissioners for England  , 

Sofia Bartholdy is Responsible Investment Integration Director at Church Commissioners for England. She is responsible for developing and implementing the strategy to meet the Church Commissioners’ Net Zero by 2050 target as well as working with the investment teams to review and monitor external asset managers’ RI practices across asset classes. Bartholdy is also the co-lead of the monitoring, reporting and verification track at the UN-backed Net Zero Asset Owner Alliance (NZAOA) and is part of working groups with UKSIF, IIGCC and the NZAOA. She was previously at Tesco Pension Investment where responsibilities included building out ESG integration capabilities and leading on TCFD reporting and Net Zero and focusing on ESG integration in public markets and the approach to sustainability outcomes at the PRI. She holds an MSc in Applied Economics and Finance from Copenhagen Business School and an MSc in Ecological Economics from the University of Edinburgh.

Sofia Bartholdy