Inès Barahhou
Quantitative Analyst, Kepler Cheuvreux  , 

Inès Barahhou is a Quantitative Analyst specialised in green finance at Kepler Cheuvreux Solutions. Barahhou operates on financial and extra-financial advisory solutions, research on sustainable finance, as well as the development of investment strategies. She began her career as a systematic portfolio manager at ODDO BHF from 2016 to 2018, before joining Société Générale as a Quantitative Analyst where she was in charge of developing machine learning models and assessing the bank's climate risk (transition risk and physical risk). She then worked for Lyxor Asset Management as Quantitative Researcher in 2020. She holds a degree from ENSAE ParisTech and a Master 2 in random modeling from Université Paris Diderot (formerly DEA Laure Elie).

Inès Barahhou