“Bouwinvest distinguishes itself by listing many unique and innovative investment examples to exemplify what it means to promote positive social impacts through real estate investment,” judge’s comment



Overall AUM


Annual performance


In 2023, Bouwinvest initiated a €400m social impact partnership with ABP, the Dutch civil service pension fund and bpfBOUW, the Dutch construction industry scheme. This was in response to the imbalanced Dutch housing market, particularly the scarcity of affordable rental housing within the social and lower-middle income brackets. The partnership is focused on homes and care-related homes (a minimum of 80%), but also on other social real estate, such as schools or community centres (a maximum of 20%). These will all be located in energy-efficient, climate-resilient and sustainable buildings.

During 2023, several affordable housing ventures were integrated into the Bouwinvest Residential Fund. Among these investments was KOER in Rotterdam, comprising 90 apartments distinguished by their affordability and unique sustainability features. Another highlight was Bethelpark in Delft, introducing 316 diverse dwellings catering to a broad spectrum of residents. This development is notable for its variety in housing types, sizes, and rent levels, which are gas-free and use a thermal heating system.

By investing around €210 million in nine Dutch healthcare real estate projects, Bouwinvest has further solidified its leadership in this sector in the Netherlands. This strategic investment addresses a critical need and presents a long-term opportunity, especially as the average life expectancy in the Netherlands is projected to rise to 85.5 by 2040. A standout investment is Pijnacker, near The Hague, where Bouwinvest has secured a healthcare project with 90% of the units designed for the mid-rental senior segment that cater to a variety of care requirements.

Bouwinvest’s commitment extends beyond the Netherlands, with significant investments in projects in Australia, focusing on creating affordable multi-family residential spaces in major cities, particularly Sydney and Melbourne. A major milestone was achieved with its entry into the Canadian market through a joint venture in strategic multi-family developments within Canada’s rapidly evolving residential rental sector.


➤ Launch of €400m social impact partnership with APP

➤ Expansion of healthcare portfolio with €210m commitment

➤ Entry into Canadian residential rental sector




Overall AUM


Annual performance


Housing affordability is a central component of Ivanhoé Cambridge’s social strategy, supported by a well-diversified residential portfolio. It is committed to investing more intentionally towards housing that is affordable and accessible to more people and recently started outlining its vision and ambition for the future. It will continue to build on these efforts in the years to come, working in close collaboration with its partners and local authorities.



Overall AUM


Annual performance


Ircantec is the French complementary pension scheme for public sector employees and pensioners. It stands as a socially responsible impact investor, committed to sustainable assets. To help people remain socially integrated, Ircantec directs a major portion of its real estate investment toward residencies for senior citizens, affordable housing, affordable social tourism infrastructure and reverse mortgages, all to benefit students and middle-income individuals and families.

Judged by

Motoko Aizawa
Heather Border
Deborah Lloyd
Vincent van Bijleveld

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