“The new initiative of impact investment in affordable housing is a valuable addition to the existing range of APG’s ESG initiatives,”  judge’s comment



Overall AUM


Annual performance


In 2023, ABP decided to allocate 15% of its global real estate portfolio to the Netherlands, of which two thirds will be dedicated to impact investments. This is therefore a mandate that APG will manage, and its real estate team has already developed a business plan.

The aim is to be 75%-80% invested in newly built affordable housing with the remaining part in senior living and student housing. Investing in education is also potentially considered an impact investing sector because of the renovations and refurbishments of schools and universities to improve energy efficiency.

The principal objective of the new impact mandate is to serve marginalised groups in the Netherlands who tend to allocate substantial portions of their income to housing. Essential workers, starters, young couples, families and active adults are all characterised by specific residential preferences.


➤ New ABP investment strategy with impact bias

➤ Aim to be 75%-80% in affordable housing

➤ Focus on marginalised tenant groups


“Very ambitions net zero timeline, a significant budget for sustainable financing and, more importantly, a “brown to green” investment strategy,” judge’s comment



Overall AUM


Annual performance


Ivanhoé Cambridge’s (Ivanhoé) environmental actions are intended to put its portfolio on the trajectory required to ensure global warming of no more than 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. As part of this, in 2017, it systematically integrated ESG due diligence for all new acquisitions as part of the underwriting process. This process saw 55 transactions reviewed accordingly in 2023.

By the end of 2023, the operational carbon intensity of Ivanhoé Cambridge’s directly owned portfolio had been reduced by more than 30% compared with 2017. Ivanhoé pursues a “brown-to-green” investment strategy that targets existing assets with the intent to refurbish them and significantly reduce their carbon intensity.

Over the past year, it implemented a Green IRR (internal rate of return) metric to account for the value of carbon and a more comprehensive assessment of the financial benefits derived from a carbon reduction project.

➤ 55 transactions reviewed according to carbon emission levels in 2023

➤ Carbon intensity of direct portfolio reduced by 30% compared with 2017

➤ Pursues a brown to green strategy based on refurbishment of existing assets




Overall AUM


Annual performance


In 2023, Bouwinvest made significant strides in enhancing the sustainability of its portfolio. The Dutch Residential Fund, the Dutch Retail Fund, the Dutch Office Fund and the Dutch Hotel Fund were all awarded the maximum GRESB five-star rating. Bouwinvest’s goal is to make its real estate portfolios carbon neutral and last year it managed to decrease the energy use of its real estate portfolio by 2%. It actively manages the data on its portfolio’s energy use and carbon emissions. In the Netherlands, this comprises a tailor-made emissions measurement system developed for its own purposes. In other regions, it uses the data provided by its managers and partners abroad.

Judged by

Motoko Aizawa
David Dahan
Anna Olink

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