“Amazing execution of a strategic pivot in a difficult market, while delivering strong returns based on advanced sector judgement,” judge’s comment



Overall AUM


Annual performance


CDPQ manages insurance and pension plan investments for over six million Quebecers, focusing on generating long-term returns while embracing ESG principles across all asset classes. At the end of 2023, total net assets under management were €293bn, with real assets amounting to €71.6m.

The real assets class consists of two actively managed portfolios: real estate, investing in buildings and real estate companies around the world, and infrastructure, which includes direct investments in companies operating infrastructure in both developed and emerging markets.

Given the fierce competition for these assets, CDPQ’s comparative advantages are the leading-edge expertise of its teams and operational specialists, a vast network of partners and a capacity to develop projects and conclude private direct investments. Real assets returned 2.2% in 2023, exceeding the -4.3% return for the benchmark. The five-year annualised return was 4.1%, compared with 3.3% for the benchmark.

CDPQ’s infrastructure portfolio consists of nearly 40 high-quality businesses in 15 countries, contributing to the fight against climate change and helping reduce the carbon intensity of the total portfolio, which is down 53% since 2017. Through its subsidiary CDPQ Infra, the fund acts as developer by providing integrated management of the planning, financing, construction and operating phases of schemes, with Montreal’s REM rapid transit system, launched last year, as its first project.

The infrastructure portfolio posted a return of 9.6% for 2023, strongly outpacing the 0.3% benchmark return. Performance drivers included assets in essential sectors such as transportation and renewable energy.

Notable infrastructure investments in 2023 were:

  • CAD848m for an additional 15% of Transportadora Associada de Gás, which owns and manages a significant portion of Brazil’s natural gas transportation assets. The investment means CDPQ now owns 50% of the company.
  • CAD178m jointly with the Clean Energy Finance Corporation, an Australian government-owned green bank, to launch a strategic partnership focusing on agricultural land in Australia. Its first acquisition is a farm in New South Wales that grows row crops.


➤ Real assets return easily outstripping benchmark over one and five years

➤ Inhouse expertise, global partnership network and development capacity advantageous in competitive market

➤ Contribution to 53% reduction in total portfolio carbon intensity since 2017




Overall AUM


Annual performance


One of Spain’s biggest insurance groups, Mapfre enjoys stable cash flows from its real assets portfolio. Its infrastructure portfolio plays an important role in this, with investments supported by long-term contracts in the super-core and core spectrums, as well as higher risk-adjusted assets. Mapfre is addressing the historical barriers which real assets managers have confronted in raising funds in Spain, by sponsoring funds to give its co-investors guaranteed alignment of interests. In 2021, it launched Mapfre Energías Renovables I, investing in nine wind farms and three solar farms, with operations managed by renewables company Iberdrola. Last year Mapfre launched the second fund in the series, to develop biogas and biomethane plants, mainly in Spain. Subsequent co-investors include Spanish and international institutions such as pension funds, insurers and rural savings banks.

Judged by

Motoko Aizawa
Peter Hobbs
Sherena Hussain
Jeroen Winkelman

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