Paulo Dias
CEO Southern & Western Europe, Northern Africa, Middle East & Brazil | IWG
Paulo Dias is CEO Southern and Western Europe, North Africa, Middle East and Brazil at IWG, having joined the firm when it was known as Regus in 1993. He was first appointed Sales Manager for Paris, Brussels and Luxemburg, then Development Manager before becoming Sales Director for France and Southern Europe. In 1998, he was appointed General Manager for France and in 1999 General Manager for Southern Europe. From 2003 until late 2012, Dias held the position of Chief Executive Officer for Europe, Africa and Middle East, when the total number of countries in this region the firm covered grew from 32 to 60. In April 2018, he became Co-Head of Network Development, in charge of building national networks. He was already CEO of Southern Europe and Brazil before additionally assuming responsibility for Western Europe, North Africa and the Middle East in January 2020.