Pierre Bollon
Chief Executive
Pierre Bollon is Chief Executive of AFG (Association Française de la Gestion financière) and is Vice Chairperson of PensionsEurope. He chairs its Long-term Sustainable Investment working group. AFG members manage PERCOs, the 401K-like French occupational DC schemes that cover some 2.6m employees working in 217, 000 companies. AFG members manage €4,000bn, of which more than €1000bn is in responsible investments, which increases to €2000bn when negative screening is included. 184 funds managed by 41 asset management companies have been awarded the official French SRI label as of January 2019. Bollon is also a board member of the European Fund and Asset Managers Association (EFAMA), the Secretary General of the European Savings Institute (OEE) and Vice-chairman of ORSE, the French study centre for corporate social responsibility.