Ana-Carla Pereira
Head of Unit
European Commission
Ana Carla Pereira is Head of Unit for "Modernisation of social protection systems" in Directorate General Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion at the European Commission. She is responsible for social protection policies related to access and adequacy of pensions, long-term care and health. She is currently coordinating the work around the “access to social protection" initiative, one of the concrete deliverables of the European Pillar of Social Rights. Prior to this, she was responsible for skills and qualifications policies, including the New Skills Agenda for Europe. She has also worked for more than ten years on the implementation of European Employment Strategy and spent several years in the private sector as a business consultant specialising in human performance. She graduated in economics at University of Coimbra (PT) and holds an MA in European Human Resources Studies from the College of Europe (BE).