Dirk Jargstorff
Global Head of Pensions and Related Benefits, Bosch Group and CEO, Bosch Pensionsfonds
Global Head of Pensions and Related Benefits, Bosch Group and CEO, Bosch Pensionsfonds
Dirk Jargstorff is Global Head of Pensions and Related Benefits at Bosch Group (Bosch) and CEO of Bosch Pensionsfonds. He began his career at Bosch after completing a degree in business administration in Stuttgart. He assumed leading roles and responsibilities in controlling, finance, sales and HR, domestically and abroad in Australia and Denmark, before being appointed to his current positions in 2015. Bosch Pensionsfonds currently has €5bn in assets under management and represents 192,000 members. Additionally, he became Chairman of the supervisory board of the Bosch housing company and was elected as alternating Chairman of the Bosch health insurance fund in late 2020. Jargstorff has been member of the board of the German Association for Occupational Pensions (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für betriebliche Altersversorgung e.V., aba) since 2017 and was elected as Deputy Chairman in 2019, where he also leads the pension fund committee.