Conference speaker
Per Linnemann
Founder & Principal
Linnemann Actuarial Consulting
Per Linnemann is Founder and Principal of Linnemann Actuarial Consulting. Previously he spent 20 years at PenSam, He has had a 20-year career at PenSam, where he was Actuarial Director and Chief Risk Officer. He has been Chief Advisory Officer at SEB Pension, Chief Actuary in the civil service of the Danish Insurance Supervisory Authority and Senior Lecturer at the University of Copenhagen. Linnemann is the inventor of iTDFs, which are emerging investment-based retirement income solutions for decumulation. iTDFs are algorithm-based life-cycle products with personalised investment strategies and capital efficient smoothing of retirement incomes. The built-in drawdown and investment strategies are interconnected by mathematical formulae. Linnemann holds a PhD and and an MSc in actuarial science from the University of Copenhagen and he has completed the International Executive Programme in General Management at INSEAD in France.