The Millennial Generation and Their Impact on Global Brands, Trends in The Market and Investment Implications
Date & Time
Thursday, October 3, 2019, 10:15 AM - 10:30 AM

The millennial generation presents new opportunities for global companies as they continue to demand innovation and drive new trends in global markets. This powerful group of 1.8 billion people is the first generation to grow up in a tech world, they value experiences over goods, drive companies to be more socially aware and have a strong preference for authentic and engaging brands. In the US alone, millennials and generation X stand to inherit $30 trillion over the coming decades, making them a key group that companies across the globe are increasingly paying close attention to. We take a closer look at why the millennial generation is so important now and how investors can best capture the long-term growth opportunities this generation drives.
Session type
Conference session 3