Philippe Dutertre
Direction des investissements & du financement
AG2R La Mondiale
Philippe Dutertre joined AG2R La Mondiale in 2006 and is a director in the group’s asset management division, AG2R La Mondiale Gestion d’Actifs as well as a special adviser on sustainable finance to the group’s chief investment officer. He has been instrumental in developing the group’s SRI franchise. Duterte is also a director and vice-chairman of the French socially responsible investment forum, FIR: FIR: Forum pour l’Investissement Responsible and manages several working groups dedicated to SRI and the implementation of Article 173, the French law that introduced mandatory ESG and SRI reporting for institutional investors and asset managers. Dutetre has spent the majority of his career in institutional asset management with roles as an investment manager at Deutsche Asset Management (now DWS) and a consultant at Bfinance before joining the AG2R La Mondiale group. He graduated from HEC Business School and IEP Paris (Sciences Po) and he holds a master’s in industrial policy from the Paris Dauphine university.